
Saturday, 22 January 2022



521 kali dilihat

Pre-Public Consultation Forum Ranwal RKPD Prov. East Kalimantan in 2023

Thursday, 01/20/2022. East Kalimantan Province Bappeda held a virtual Pre-Public Consultation Meeting on the Preliminary Draft of the East Kalimantan RKPD for 2023. This meeting was opened by Prof. Dr. Ir. HM Aswin MM as Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, and attended by all Planning Divisions of East Kalimantan Bappeda and Regional Apparatus within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government.

The theme of East Kalimantan Development in 2023 is Strengthening Economic, Social and Environmental Resilience towards Community Welfare within the framework of Sovereign East Kalimantan. In this regard, in his direction Prof. Aswin said that economic and social resilience is realized within the framework of resolving the problems of poverty and unemployment.

“Regional officials working in the fields of economy, human development and people's welfare must move in the same direction in an effort to improve the investment climate, strengthen the community's economy, increase the added value of the products produced, "creating jobs, and also preparing local human resources who are ready to be accepted in the job market," he said.

Prof. Aswin also reminded that in increasing economic resilience and social resilience in the future there are challenges that need to be taken into account, especially in relation to the re-outbreak of the Omicron variant of Covid 19 and the enactment of the IKN Law.

The aim of this Pre-Public Consultation is to agree on important and fundamental matters in the initial draft RKPD that need to be paid attention to by Regional Apparatus. After the direction from the head of Bappeda, the meeting was continued with a desk meeting per sector/sub-sector of Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province with the relevant regional apparatus.


#timberkaleandevelopment planning

#pre-consultation of the rkpdkaltim public




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