Pra Musrenbang RKPD East Kalimantan in 2024
Samarinda, (12/04/2023). The Provincial Government of East Kalimantan through Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan implementing Pre-Musrenbang RKPD 2024 at the Mercure Hotel.
This activity was officially opened by the Regional Secretary of the Prov. East Kalimantan Mrs. Sri Wahyuni, and attended by ± 250 participants consisting of BPS elements, Bank Indonesia, Regional Apparatus of East Kalimantan Province, all Bappeda/Bappedalitbang Regency/City together with regional apparatus representatives in accordance with the proposal, as well as TGUP3 of East Kalimantan Province.
This activity is part of the initial series of the East Kalimantan Province RKPD Musrenbang activities in 2024, by discussing technical matters relating to the substance that will be delivered and agreed upon in the Musrenbang Forum later.
Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan Mr. Yusliando in his report explained that this activity was aimed at discussing priority proposals from the Regency/City Government which were in line with the formulation of regional development themes and priorities, both which are the authority of the Provincial Government, and which are the authority of the Regency/City (Financial Assistance). In addition, the alignment of macro development indicators will also be carried out between the provinces and districts/cities in 2024.
Presenated discussion activities are divided into four desks, government and human development (PPM), economy and natural resources, infrastructure and regional desk, and desk macro development indicators.
This activity ends with the Minutes of the Results of the Pre-Musrenbang Discussion which contains the agreement and notes on the results of the discussion in each desk, where the results of the next discussion will be the main material in the implementation of Musrenbang activities
#planning for the development of Kaltim 2023