Saturday, 28 November 2020
Progress Report MP3EI Kalimantan 2012
Banjarmasin, Wednesday 11/4/12. Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Rusman Heriawan conveyed the presentation and at the same time opened the acceleration master plan and
Medium for Bappeda East Kalimantan was attended directly by the Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda, Dr.Ir.H.; Head of Regional Infrastructure Development, Ir. Salman.L, MM and Head of Government and Apparatus, Ir. Trimurti Rahayu, M.Sc; Head of Business Development Sub -Division, Tourism and Culture, Saur Parsaoran.T, S.Pi '., Memd and Head of Regional Infrastructure Sub -Division, Ir.Hj. Lisa Hasliana, M.Sc; Staff for Regional Infrastructure Development Ahmad Muzakkir, ST and Stella Felicia Sinaga, S.Si and Sukandar, S. Sos Secretariat of Bappeda Kaltim, Implementing Staff of Public Relations Bappeda East Kalimantan.
South Kalimantan Governor Rudi Arifin as Deputy Chairperson of MP3EI to Kalimantan gave a report on the implementation of MP3EI to Kalimantan at the beginning of the event and continued with the delivery of presentations by the Director General of Animal Husbandry as MP3EI Secretary to Kalimantan said that the MP3EI investment value to Kalimantan reached Rp. 740.4 trillion consisting of 222 projects spread across four provinces in Kalimantan.
From 222 MP3EI projects to Kalimantan which dominated the number of projects in the palm oil sector as many as 113 projects or 50.90% ranking the two timber project sectors were 49 projects or 22.07%; The third rank of the coal mining sector is 19 projects or 8.56%; The fourth rank of oil and gas mining sector as many as 6 projects or 2.70%; The fifth rank of the bauxite sector as many as 7 projects or 3.15%; Ranking the six steel sectors of 7 projects or 3.15%; ranking the seven copper sectors as many as 1 project or 0.45%; ranking the eight rubber sectors as many as 1 project or 0.45%; rank to nine food crop sectors as many as 2 projects or 0.90%; The last ten other sectors ranked as many as 17 projects or 7.66%.
Whereas in terms of investment value with a total of Rp. 740,354 trillion that dominated in the first rank was the oil and gas mining sector which was only 6 projects but had the largest investment value of Rp. 232,325 trillion and second position in the coal mining sector as many as 19 projects with an investment value of 207.880 trillion, and the third position in the bauxite sector as many as 7 projects with an investment value of Rp. 96,040 trillion, and the palm oil sector which dominated the number of projects as many as 113 projects only ranked fourth with an investment of Rp.62,955 trillion, the fifth rank in the timber sector with a total of 49 projects had an investment of Rp. 49,304 trillion and sixth position in other sectors with a total of 17 projects have an investment value of Rp. 40,305 trillion, and seventh position in the steel sector with 7 projects has an investment of Rp. 37,751 trillion, the eighth position in the copper sector as many as 1 project with an investment value of Rp. 12 trillion; The ninth position in the food crop sector is 1 project with an investment value of Rp. 1.66 trillion and the last ten position in the rubber sector as many as 1 project with an investment value of Rp. 141.38 billion.
While the MP3EI project to Kalimantan specifically in East Kalimantan Province is in accordance with the exposure of the Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr.H. Awang Faroek Ishak delivered to the KP3EI team (Acceleration Committee, Expansion, Indonesian Economic Development) at a meeting with the Kalimantan Economic Corridor Working Team, in the Swiss-Balhotel Banjarmasin meeting room, 11/4/12 with the theme of Exposure to the Evaluation of the Implementation of the Kalimantan MP3EI Project .
Specifically the MP3EI project of the Kalimantan Economic Corridor in East Kalimantan is in the Locus Project Center for Growth, among others, the Locus Project Center for Growth 1, Locus Project Center for Growth 2, Locus Project Center for Growth 3, and Locus Project Growth Center 7 with Total Investment Value amounting to Rp. 402.15 trillion with details of the MP3EI investment locus in East Kalimantan in Lokus 1 consisting of East Kutai Regency and Bontang City Types of Bauxite, Alumina, Palm Oil, Coal, and Cayment Projects with an Investment value of Rp. 111, 59 T; Lokus 2 consists of the city of Balikpapan, DSK, Palm Oil, Oil and Gas, timber with an investment value of Rp. 159.50 trillion; Lokus 3 is in Rapak and Ganal with an investment value of Rp. 70 trillion; and locus 7 on the railroad project, coal and Trans Kalimantan road with an investment value of Rp. 61.15 trillion.
The investment of the East Kalimantan corridor infrastructure consists of several MP3EI projects including: 1. Construction of Express Way Samarinda - Balikpapan with an investment value of Rp. 6.3 Trilliun began in 2010 and was completed in 2016 investors from the government; 2. Maloy Port capacity development with an investment value of Rp. 4.8 trillion projects began in 2011 and completed in 2013 investors by the government; 3.
construction of the island bridge Long span 1,314 m with an investment value of Rp. 3.6 trillion of the project period began in 2013 and was completed in 2015, investors by the government; 4. The acceleration of the construction of Samarinda Baru Airport with an investment of Rp. 1.2 Trilliun The project period began in 2011 and the project period was completed in 2015, investors by the government; 5. Construction of the Karingau container terminal with an investment value of Rp. 713 billion project period began in 2008 and was completed in 2012, investors by the government; 6. Temporary Satker PPU and Karingau Port construction with a value of 598 billion, the project period began in 2015 that the project period was completed to date there was still no data, investors by the government; 7. Improvement of Jalan Tj. Selor - Tj. Redep Maloy with an investment value of Rp. 550 billion project periods began in 2011 and the project period was completed in 2014, investors by the government; 8. Construction of the Balang Bentang Pulau bridge with an investment of Rp. 488 billion and the project period was completed in 2011 investors by the government; 9. Improvement of Samarinda - Bontang -Maloy Road with an investment value of Rp. 481 Billion The project period began in 2011 and the project was completed in 2014 investors by the government; 10. Widening of Samarinda - Tenggarong Road with an investment of Rp. 400 billion project periods began in 2011 and the project period was completed in 2014, investors by the government; 11. Temporary Satker Development of Faspel Laur Maloy/Sangkulirang with an investment value of Rp. 357 billion project periods began in 2015 and the project period was completed there was no data, investors by the government; 12. Construction of Wain Reservoirs for Raw Water Needs with an Investment value of Rp. 290 billion project periods began in 2015 and the project period was completed there was no data, investors by the government; 13. Widening the road to Derawan Island with an investment value of Rp. 200 billion project periods began in 2011 and the project period was completed in 2015, investors by the government; 14. Development of Tanjung Isssuy Port with an investment of Rp. 1786 Billion The project period began in 2015 and the project period was completed there was no data, investors by the government; 15. Tanah Grogot Port with an investment value of Rp. 163 Billion The project period began in 2015 that the project period was completed there was no data, investors by the government; 16. Kanpel Nunukan with an investment value of Rp. 152 Billion Project period began in 2015 and the project ended period there was no data, investors by the government; 17. Construction of environmental roads in Derawan and Tanjung Batu with an investment value of Rp. 150 billion project periods began in 2011, and the project period was completed in 2015 and investors by the government; 18. Development of power plants with an investment value of Rp. 7.27 trillion of the project period began in 2011, and the project period was completed in 2015 investors by BUMN; 19. Sepinggan Airport Balikpapan with an investment value of Rp. 1.6 Trilliun The project period began in 2011 and the project period was completed in 2014 investors by BUMN; 20. Development of electrical transmission facilities with an investment value of 1,035 trillion; 21. Construction of the Puruk Cahu-Tanjung Isuy railroad along 203 km with an investment of Rp. 20,300 trillion with the project period began in 2015 and the project period ended there was no data and investors by PPP. The event was closed at 17:30 WITA by Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Rusman Heriawan. (Sukandar, S. Sos/Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim).