Wednesday, 06 November 2024
Coordination Meeting Support Map of Narcotics Narcotics (PEKA) through Geospatial Information
Head of East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, Yusliando, accompanied by the Head of PPEPD, Alfino held a coordination meeting related to the support of the Narcotics Map (PEKA) through geospatial information together with BNNP East Kalimantan, BNNK Bontang, Bapperida Bontang in the Repetada Bappeda Room of East Kalimantan, Wednesday (6/11).
The coordination meeting was held as a follow-up to the Head of the East Kalimantan BNNP Head regarding the support of drug vulnerability maps through geospatial information.
To note, BNNP East Kalimantan has initiated the manufacture of drug vulnerability maps (SEKA) based on geospatial information. This pilot project is the result of collaboration between BNNK Bontang and Bappeda City of Bontang, and has received full support from the Geospatial Information Agency on October 1, 2024. The implementation of sensing is considered very important in making decisions/policies by the local government related to the P4GN program in East Kalimantan. / P>
In the meeting, the Head of BNNK Bontang, Lulyana, explained that sensitive to contain data on the distribution of drug-prone points, action data, and data prevention programs. These data are inputted by the Task Force for the Prevention and Eradication of Drug Abuse and Circulation (P4GN) that have been formed at the village, sub-district, city and provincial levels.
Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda, Yusliando expressed his support for the planned replication plan.
"We in the province (East Kalimantan) believe that the initiation of this BNN will be very helpful, especially in achieving social transformation targets. The golden generation that we want to achieve will be threatened if we are not serious in Handling drug problems, "he said.
further said that the importance of precision data in formulating the right policy, including in drug prevention.
The coordination meeting agreed on several important points, including: (1) East Kalimantan Province Bappeda will issue a letter of support from the Governor to BNNP and all districts/cities in East Kalimantan for the implementation of sensitiveness. < BR> (2) East Kalimantan Province Bappeda will ask Regency/City Bappeda to enter sensitively on the priority data list in 2025.
(3) Sensitive replication will be carried out in stages by considering the readiness level of each district/city.
(4) Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province will facilitate the process of socialization sensitive in the Regional Geospatial Information Network Coordination Meeting (JIGD) of East Kalimantan Regency/City which will be held on November 11, 2024 in West Kutai Regency.
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