
Friday, 29 July 2022



997 kali dilihat

Regional Geospatial Information Network (JIGD) Coordination Meeting and Socialization of the East Kalimantan One Data Gubernatorial Regulation

The East Kalimantan Provincial Government held a Regional Geospatial Information Network Coordination Meeting for Regencies/Cities throughout East Kalimantan, taking place in Berau Regency on July 28 2022.


This meeting was opened by the Regent of Berau, Mrs. Sri Juniarsih Mas, M.Pd and attended by the Head of the Geospatial Information Agency, Prof. Dr. rer. Nat Muh Aris Marfai, S.Si, M.Si, Provincial Bappeda. East Kalimantan, Diskominfo Prov. East Kalimantan and Bappelitbangda as well as District/City Diskominfo throughout East Kalimantan.


This activity was carried out in the context of strengthening the management of Regional Geospatial Information Networks, especially Regencies/Cities in East Kalimantan.


In this coordination, the Regency/City Government is committed to continuing to build and develop geospatial information networks in each region gradually and sustainably every year.


As an effort to strengthen the geospatial information network, the Provincial Government and Regency/City Government will seek to integrate it down to the regional level (West Kalimantan Province, Central Kalimantan Province, South Kalimantan Province and Kalimantan Province North).


The output of this coordination meeting is in the form of a joint agreement, and it is hoped that through this Coordination Meeting the strengthening of JIGD in East Kalimantan will progress and develop considering that this year BIG is holding the 2022 Bhumandala Award.< /p>


This activity was coupled with the signing of a collaboration between the Central Government, in this case the Geospatial Information Agency (BIG) and the Berau Regency Government in terms of guidance and cooperation in managing the Berau Regency JIGD.





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