
Wednesday, 23 June 2021



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Coordination Meeting for Deconcentration and Bimtek Sakti Satker Deconcentration Funds and Bimtek

Samarinda, June 14, 2021, 09.00 WITA . East Kalimantan Province Bappeda attended the Deconcentration and Bimtek Deconcentration Deconcentration Coordination Meeting Activities Deconcentration Fund Work Unit organized by Bappenas RI virtually and offline (Aston Bogor Hotel). The event was also attended by representatives of Bappeda throughout Indonesia and the ICCTF trustees' Assembly Satker.

The speakers who filled out this activity included Thohir Afandi (Institutional Performance Inspector), Head of the Bappenas RI General Bureau, Drs. Sumedi Andono Mulyo, MA, Ph.D (Director of Spatial Planning and Disaster Management of Bappenas RI), Rohmad Supriyadi (Planning Bureau, Organization and Management of Bappenas RI).

Inspector in the field of institutional performance conveyed regarding the evaluation of the accountability of the performance of deconcentration funds. It was also conveyed that deconcentration as a synergy and integration of the central and regional levels, needed to determine the priority targets of development based on the synergy of central and regional planning. Supervision of the implementation of deconcentration is carried out in the scope: planning, implementation and reporting. Supervision of deconcentration funds also includes finance and performance. The delivery rate of managerial reports in 2020 reached 90%. Of the 30 satker, there are 3 satker who have not submitted managerial reports.

Head of the Bappenas RI General Bureau said that related to the implementation of the Sakti application at the Deconcentration Dana Satker. The migration groove starts from the G2 erekon database. The details report is included in the reference data, inventory reference data, transaction data, inventory, fixed assets, intangible assets and glneca. Then matched the details report with a magic database. There are constraints of magic migration, namely 1) Some satker has no appointment of financial management officials 2) Satker has no User Erekon LK BMN. 3) Satker has not been processed by the user application of the Sakti application to the local KPPN 4) Lack of understanding related to magic. But there will be found obstacles that are more than mentioned. Things that need to be considered: the authority of the user user, understanding of the transaction business process and single entry point.

Director of Spatial Planning and Disaster Management of Bappenas RI conveyed in its presentation related to the acceleration of the implementation of the Deconcentration of Bappenas RI to strengthen the synergy of central and regional planning. Regarding the optimization of the allocation and distribution of resources between regions. The role of Bappenas and Bappeda is looking for a meeting point on how to optimize K/L spending, T/P Dekon Funds, Regional Transfer Funds (DAU, DAK, DBH, Otsus and Village Funds) including loans/grants, private sector and banks. Joint task to find out the optimization of every resource allocated can increase productivity, added value of income, regional competitiveness while also strengthening socio -cultural capital to realize a dignified life. Utilization of Bappenas deconcentration funds is directed to strengthen regional -based planning to provide input in the preparation of RKP and planning coordination to provide input in the preparation of RKP and planning coordination to support national development priorities.

The Bappenas RI Deconcentration Secretariat will conduct an evaluation of the utilization of Bappenas Deconstration Funds in July-August 2021. The Secretariat of the Bappenas Deconcentration will coordinate and specifically assist the regions. Utilization of Bappenas deconcentration activities appropriately, efficiently and effectively will improve the quality of planning in the region, strengthen cooperation and partnership of Bappenas and Provincial Bappeda in coordinating planning and ensuring the synergy of Bappenas and Provincial Bappeda in overseeing the achievement of national development agendas and priorities with regional priorities.

Rohmad Supriyadi from the Bappenas RI Planning, Organization and Management Bureau said that the purpose of Bappenas deconcentration activities to the Governor as government representatives in the regions to internalize the substance of national priority in the planning and budgeting documents in the region and realize the planning of planning between the center and the region to support the achievement of national development priority agendas. Managerial reports generally contain the following content: 1. General description of implementation, consisting of background, purpose, scope, DIPA information, the structure of the Satker Team and the resulting output. 2. Implementation Plan, consisting of the focus of activities, budget allocation, determination of performance and schedule for the implementation of activities. 3 Time of Submission of Reports to Semestrans and Annual. Managerial reports submitted to the Governor and Minister of PPN/Head of Bappenas through the Secretary of the Ministry of PPN/Main Secretary of Bappenas.

(Humasbappeda/Ismi) .