Coordination Meeting on Women's Empowerment and Child Protection throughout East Kalimantan in 2022
Wednesday, 03/16/2022. Sector of Government and Human Development. Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the Agenda for the 2022 Regional Coordination Meeting for Women's Empowerment and Child Protection throughout East Kalimantan. The meeting was held in order to: discuss steps and strategies for preventing and handling the crime of human trafficking in the face of the National Capital (IKN) in Prov. East Kalimantan
There were 4 (four) speakers at the meeting. Presentation from the Deputy PHP of the Ministry of PPPA, Mrs. Ratna Susianawati, SH. MH. regarding the criminal act of trafficking in persons (TPPO); Presentation from the main editor of the Kaltim Post, Mr. Thomas Dwi Priyandoko regarding the role of the media in publicizing the prevention and handling of criminal acts of trafficking; Presentation from the East Kalimantan Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights regarding preventing and handling criminal acts of human trafficking/trafficking against IKN; Exposure from the East Kalimantan Regional Police from Mr. Police Commissioner Achadianto, SH. MH. regarding police efforts in enforcing the law on the crime of trafficking in persons (TPPO)
In efforts to eradicate trafficking in persons based on Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons, of which the prevention aspect is a quite significant part apart from the aspects of social protection or treatment, punishment and the process of integration into society. Likewise with the punishment aspect, apart from functioning to take action against perpetrators, it also contributes to efforts to prevent human trafficking. Judging from the quite heavy penalties, ideally Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of the Crime of Human Trafficking can prevent the crime of human trafficking from occurring. However, the phenomenon that occurs related to the criminal practice of human trafficking is actually increasingly common. The strategy for handling TIP begins with providing information and outreach, disseminating information about human trafficking practices and their impacts.
Crucial problems in eradicating criminal acts of human trafficking or trafficking include, among other things, patriarchal culture which still positions women as unequal to men; poverty and career opportunities for women are still very limited; the intellectual/professionalism paradigm of women is not yet considered equal to that of men; women are still considered subordinate in the family. In certain cases, in society there is still a culture of shame or taboo about reporting harsh treatment by husbands towards wives, children and women in their environment and so on.
In order to combat the practice of trafficking, it is necessary to understand and gather the same perception about its elements and characteristics. Trafficking is an activity or act of exploiting one or more individuals, with or without the consent of the victim, to obtain both material and immaterial benefits. As a joint resource for all parties in welcoming IKN in the Province. East Kalimantan. To be effective and efficient in efforts to deal with the crime of trafficking in persons, the urgent thing that must be done is to synergize existing potential, namely socializing and motivating the role of various parties to be concerned about the dangers of trafficking crimes. Law enforcement is not just the duty and obligation of the TPPO Team, Police, Prosecutors and Judges, but is also the obligation and right of the community.
Efforts to deal with criminal acts of human trafficking or trafficking require a structured, measurable strategy and cross-program and cross-sectoral cooperation between the government (Law Enforcement) and the community. Formally synergizing the government's role with the community as stakeholders in preventing criminal acts of trafficking is a non-negotiable necessity. It should be noted that the word strategy contains 2 operational meanings. First, it is an activity to mobilize something, for example potential or power/strength and so on. Second, the action of directing potential or power/strength to face and/or achieve a planned goal. Meanwhile, the term handling according to the contents of Article 57 paragraph (2) of the PTPPO Law includes monitoring, strengthening and increasing the capacity of law enforcement officers and other stakeholders. Firstly, the emphasis is on preventive or preventive actions. The two measures are countermeasures or repressive. There are still many cases of TIP involved with migrant workers and outgoing Indonesian workers who must ensure clear documents and work contracts even though they are victims of human trafficking
Handling TIP cases is complex, where handling requires comprehensive mapping. there needs to be synergy between the provincial government, and the TPPO task force team, as well as the community.