
Thursday, 11 August 2022



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Entry Meeting Meeting Data Framework Sakip Evaluation and Bureaucratic Reform in 2022

Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the Regional Development Control and Evaluation Planning (PPEPD) attended the Entry Meeting meeting in the context of SAKIP Evaluation and Bureaucratic Reform in 2022 in the Hemob Meeting Room of the East Kalimantan Governor's Office, Thursday (11/08/2022).


The meeting organized by the East Kalimantan Provincial Secretariat Organization Bureau was attended by ± 113 participants who attended the place consisting of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda and all elements of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) in the East Kalimantan Provincial Government. In addition, also present online ± 367 participants from provincial and district/city elements included in the Regional Government of Region II.


The meeting was held to follow up on the Assistant Coordination of Policy Implementation and Evaluation of Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability and Supervision II, KemenpanRB on August 3, 2022 concerning Sakip Evaluation Evaluation Entry and Bureaucratic Reform in 2022. 2022, where as the initial stage, this Evaluation Entry Meeting is carried out.


Assistant Deputy for Coordination of Policy Implementation and Evaluation of Bureaucratic Reform, Apparatus Accountability and Supervision II, KemenpanRB, Mr. Budi Prawira in an online presentation conveyed that the basis for the evaluation of bureaucratic reform is PermenpanRB


further conveyed, the purpose of the evaluation to be carried out is to provide suggestions for improvement and assessing the development of the acceleration of the implementation of bureaucratic reform and performance accountability (SAKIP).


In terms of acceleration of the implementation of bureaucratic reform, the local government is expected to be able to develop acceleration or innovations that encourage the acceleration of the impact of changes felt by the community.


For the implementation of performance accountability in the SAKIP (Government Agency Performance Accountability System) there is an important record, including the translation of the performance compiled is expected to be based more on a good logical framework, so that the causal relationship between tiered performance levels formed a better relationship.


In terms of strengthening SAKIP, provincial and district/city strengthening strategies play an important role in implementing performance planning, performance measurement, performance planning, and internal evaluation.


in detail informed, the timeline of the RB and Sakip evaluation process includes pre-evaluation (June-July 2022), Entry Meeting (August 11, 2022), Evaluation Deepening (August-October 2022), Solution 2022.

#baped mutiled


#evaluation of the Formation of the Year 2022