Thursday, 12 December 2024
Evaluation Meeting of Activities and Performance of Staff Staff Subdivision Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan Province
The General Subdivision of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Secretariat held an Evaluation Meeting of Activities and Staff Performance in the Repetada Meeting Room. This meeting was chaired by Achmad Risa, as the Head of the General Subdivision, and was attended by all staff of the General Subdivision. In this meeting, Achmad Risa conveyed two things namely, appreciation for improving performance for one year, and evaluating the performance which needs to be improved in the coming year.
He emphasized the importance of commitment to continue to grow. which is significant. Among other things, the award at the Kaltim Expo exhibition in early 2024 as a stand with the best UMKM assisted, then recognition from the Goods and Services Bureau and LKPP for the administration of goods and purchasing, to the achievement of inventory of goods in the BUMD section recognized by the Inspectorate.
In addition, the Personnel Team also received recognition as one of the best in Indonesia in the calculation of the Functional Position Formation (JF) of the Planner. Other achievements include the best stand awards from BPSDM in the Level II National Leadership Training, the Best Archives of Hope Award, ranked 6 in the handover of print and record works, as well as the issuance of four PPID bulletins in 2024, which is a pride in the general sub -section.
On the other hand, evaluation is also carried out to increase discipline and compliance with regulations. next year. Let's also be orderly in using the attributes in accordance with the applicable regulations, "added Achmad Risa.
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