
Thursday, 24 June 2021



779 times seen

Coordination Meeting for Communication and Information in 2021

Balikpapan, June 17, 2021, 09.00 WITA . East Kalimantan Province Bappeda attended the Coordination Meeting in the Field of Communication and Information online at the Novotel Hotel Balikpapan. The event was opened by the Governor of East Kalimantan. The speakers presented at this event Director of Egoverment, Bambang Dwi Anggono, S. Sos, M.Eng, Ceh.

The distribution of different geographical contours is certainly the focus of the problem of expanding internet connectivity in the area (villages). Telecommunications and Information Accessibility Agency (BAKTI) can assist and become a bridge in finding solutions to accelerate internet connectivity penetration in rural areas.

In addition, in this event also discussed the need to establish good cooperation between the Ministry of Communication and Information and the media, especially in relation to limiting negative and hoaks information.

Furthermore, this event was carried out in a more in-depth discussion related to the latest issues, problems and solutions in the development of communication and information discussed through desk per field, namely Desk 1 ICT field; Desk 2 Aptika Field; Desk 3 fields of IKP; Desk 4 Statistics Field; Desk 5 Fields of Encoding.

(Humasbappeda/Ismi) .