
Thursday, 03 February 2022



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Coordination Meeting for Preparation of the SIPD Aspiration Menu in 2023

Wednesday, 02/02/2022. In order to accommodate the aspirations of the community and the DPRD, East Kalimantan Province Bappeda held a coordination meeting of the aspiration menu on the SIPD application.

This coordination was led by the Head of PPed Rina Juliaty, S.Si, M.Sc and attended by all Heads and Heads of Subdivision in Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province.

This coordination is intended to agree on a proposed dictionary based on the list of development problems in each field of regional government administration affairs.

The process of inputting the aspirations of the community can be accessed by the Regency/City Bappeda, Camat/Village Head, and the community or institution. While the aspirations of the DPRD input can be accessed by all DPRD members.

Aspirations conveyed will be input on the preparation of RKPD changes, the basis for changes in the current year's APBD or in the following year's RKPD.

#baped mutiled

#Planning for Development of Callets



