
Wednesday, 07 June 2023



1061 times seen

Coordination Meeting of Final Draft Preparation of RKPD Prov East Kalimantan in 2024

Samarinda, (07/06/2023). In the context of completing the final draft RKPD Prov. East Kalimantan in 2024 Bappeda Prov.KALTIM Coordinating between Planning Fields.
Located in the Propeda room, this meeting was led by the Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan Mr. Yusliando and attended by the Secretary, Head of Division, Head of Subdivision and Staff for Planning for Bappeda Prov. Kaltim
schedule for the inputting of Ranhir RKPD 2024 is planned to start at the beginning of the second week of June 2023. #000000; /> -
Dalam kesempatan ini juga dibahas mengenai distribusi penambahan pendapatan, yang direncanakan akan distribusikan kepada tujuh prioritas pembangunan sesuai dengan arahan Sekda Prov. East Kalimantan, then also distributed according to the theme of the East Kalimantan RKPD, namely the increase in HR, infrastructure and economic transformation, but also directed to handling stunting, poverty and economic diversification.

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