
Monday, 12 September 2022



1038 times seen

Coordination Meeting Preparation for Application for Release of Production Forest Areas that can be converted in preparation for the development of the IKN

Friday, 09/09/2022 Muhammad Hamsani, ST. M.Si represents Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan to attend the agenda of the coordination meeting to prepare for the release of the production forest area that can be converted in preparation for the construction of the IKN


The meeting was held through the Zoom Meeting and was led by the Director General of Forestry and Environmental Planning. Besides Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan, this meeting was also attended by the Head of the Forest Region IV Center in Samarinda; Head of Sub Directorate of Changes in Designation and Function of Forest Areas; Head of Sub Directorate of Forest Areas Inauguration; Faculty of Forestry Unmul; Ecological and Enobiology Research Center, Biological Research Organization and Environment, National Research and Innovation Agency; Directorate of Settlement Area Development, Directorate General of Cipta Karya, KemenpuPr; Center for Standardization of Disaster Resilience Instruments and Climate Change, Agency for Standardization of Environmental and Forestry Instruments;

Directorate of Forest Utilization Plan, Directorate General of Lestari Forest Management; Directorate of Environmental Impact Prevention of Regional and Sector Policy, Directorate General of Forestry and Environmental Planning; Directorate of Environmental Impact Prevention of Business and Activities, Directorate General of Forestry and Environmental Planning; Bappeda Prov. Kaltim; Forestry Service Prov. Kaltim; Environmental Service Prov. Kaltim; PUPR Prov. Kaltim; The Center for Strengthening of the Forest Area Region IV of Samarinda and the Secretariat of the Integrated Team which is an integrated team in the framework of research requests for the release of permanent production forest areas and production forest areas that can be converted in preparation for the construction of the Capital City of the Archipelago in East Kalimantan.

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