
Monday, 01 August 2022



1022 times seen

Central and Regional Coordination Meetings related to Data Collection of SPM Integration Data in the Field of Public Housing into Regional Planning Documents (Docrenda)

Bappeda Prov. Kaltim attended the Central and Regional Coordination Meeting related to the Collection of Minimum Service Standards Integration Data (SPM) in the Field of Public Housing into the Regional Planning Document (Docrenda) which was held hybrid, namely at the Novotel Cikini Hotel in Jakarta and Zoom Meeting. The coordination meeting was held from Wednesday, 07/06/2022 to Friday, 07/08/2022.


The meeting held for 3 (three) today presented several speakers namely DIR. Supd II, Directorate General of Bina Bangda, Ministry of Home Affairs; Dir. Perkim Ministry of PPN/Bappenas; Dir. SSPP, KemenpuPr; Head of PFID, KemenpuPr; Director of System and Settlement System for Settlement Infrastructure; Director of Drinking Water, KemenpuPr; and Director of Sanitation, KemenpuPr. The material presented includes synchronizing the application of SPM PUPR into the Docrenda in accordance with Permendagri 59 of 2021, the application of SPM Public Works and Public Housing in the regions, the translation of the conditions and problems of the application of SPM Public Works and Public Housing in the regions. Followed by a presentation on the strategy of developing a system of drinking water and wastewater supply to support SPM, the development of regional SPAM as a support for the fulfillment of SPM and the development of regional domestic SPAL in the national strategic area. On the second day, followed by the distribution of desks and discussions per regional. The coordination meeting was closed with the delivery of the formulation of the discussion on the third day.