Coordination Meeting of Central and Regional Synergy in the Framework of the Deconcentration of the Governor as Deputy of the Central Government
East Kalimantan Provincial Government through Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan conducts coordination of the development of the border area at the Swiss-Bel Balikpapan Hotel, Thursday (04/08/2022).
This activity was attended by the Directorate General of Regional Administration Development, East Kalimantan PUPR Office, East Kalimantan Bappeda, East Kalimantan Development Administration Bureau, East Kalimantan PUPR Office, Berau Regency Transportation Agency, Mahulu Regency Transportation Agency, Berau Regency PUPR Office, Bappelitbang Berau Regency, Bappelitbang Mahulu Regency, Maratua District, and Camat Long District, Berau Regency Transportation Agency, Mahulu Regency Transportation Agency, Berau Regency PUPR Office, Bappelitbang Berau Regency, BAPPELITBANG MAHULU DISTRICT. Apari.
This coordination is intended for central and regional synergy as Permendagri No. 12 of 2021 concerning the Duties and Authorities of the Governor as the Deputy of the Central Government (GWPP) in terms of the master plan for the construction of border area infrastructure, implementing state border cooperation, and building facilities for government infrastructure in the border area and the outermost islands.
It should be noted that some areas in East Kalimantan Province are directly bordered by neighboring countries namely Mahulu Regency which is directly bordered by East Malaysia (Sarawak) in Long Apari District and Long Pahangai District, and Berau Regency waters bordering the Philippines in the Philippines in Maratua District.
In this meeting it was agreed that several things regarding the border area of the state including the basis of the basis in the border area which included infrastructure, telecommunications infrastructure, clean water, electricity, inflation control and environmental management in the border area between countries which were charged to the APBN or other legitimate funding sources; Propose to the central government to accelerate development in the state border area in Mahulu Regency (Kec. Long Pahangai and Long Apari District) and Berau Regency (Kec Maratua) in order to support the development of IKN; Encourage the central government in accelerating the preparation of the State Border RDTR, as a supporter in determining the potential priority of development in Mahulu Regency and Berau Regency; Building a state border area in Mahakan Ulu Regency and Kab. Berau in accordance with their respective authorities; and increase the capacity of the role of the sub -district in the country's border region.
#baped mutiled
##Coordination of the Development of the Limit of the Limit
#Permendagrino12Tahun 2021