
Monday, 23 August 2021



1122 times seen

The 22nd plenary meeting listened to the state speech of the President of the Republic of Indonesia in the framework of the 76th Indonesian Independence Republic of Indonesia in 2021

Monday, August 16, 2021.

The 22nd Plenary Meeting Listening

Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda and all regional apparatus heads in the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan's provincial government to be present online accompanying the Governor of East Kalimantan along with approximately 28 East Kalimantan DPRD members to listen to the State Speech of the Republic of Indonesia in the framework of the 76th Indonesian Independence Day and the delivery of a Draft Bill on the 2022 Fiscal Year 2022.

Opening the event, the Speaker of the Indonesian Parliament said that related to the importance of the role of the government, the supervisory function of the Indonesian Parliament, the role of the security and defense apparatus focused on handling in the health sector, handling the impact of Covid 19, public services during the 19 Pandemic Covid, and the importance of the central government with the local government.

Furthermore, the President of the Republic of Indonesia, Mr. Joko Widodo, in his state speech in a series of events ahead of the 76th Indonesian Independence Day and as an introduction to the submission of the 2022 APBN Bill and the Financial Note, said that the crisis, recession and pandemic became a test that must be passed. Pandemic forces us to build new normality such as using masks, maintaining distance and online systems in work and learning. We as an independent nation who need to win the pandemic examination need to accelerate innovation and create new things in aspects of our lives. Disease is our common problem and being healthy is our shared agenda. Pandemic has led us to make a number of significant changes and developments in the health sector.