2022 Bureaucratic Reform Implementation Meeting
Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the Planning, Control and Evaluation of Regional Development (PPEPD) and the Government and Human Development Sector attended the 2022 Bureaucratic Reform implementation meeting of East Kalimantan Province which was held at the Hotel Mercure Samarinda, Thursday (02/06/2022).
The meeting was chaired by Plt. Assistant 3 of the East Kalimantan Regional Secretariat, Mr. Kurniawan and attended by the East Kalimantan Provincial Bureaucratic Reform Implementation Team and Assessor Team consisting of elements from the Regional Apparatus and the East Kalimantan Provincial Inspectorate discussed the Follow-up Action Plan (RATL) on the Evaluation Result Report (LHE) of the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform and Finalization of the Evaluation Worksheet (LKE) in preparation for the Submission of the Independent Assessment of the Implementation of Bureaucratic Reform in East Kalimantan Province in 2022.
#kaltimbureaucratic reform2022
< a href="https://bappeda.kaltimprov.go.id/storage/posts-news/June2022/rprbt2022-2.jpg" data-fslightbox="">