Discussion Meeting of Improvement of KLHS Documents RDTR KEK MBTK MALOY KUTAI TIMUR 2019
Thursday, August 12, 2021 Discussion of Improvement of KLHS RDTR KERE MBTK MALOY KUTAI TIMUR 2019
Strategic Environmental Study (KLHS) Details of Spatial Planning (RDTR) Areas around the Special Economic Zone (KEK) Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimanan (MBTK) have been prepared by applying the order of KLHS implementation in accordance with Government Regulation No. 46 of 2016 concerning Procedures for Implementing a Strategic Environment Study and Regulation of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number. P.69/MENLHK/SETJEN/KUM.1/12/2017 concerning the Implementation of Government Regulation Number 46 of 2016 concerning Procedures for Organizing Strategic Environmental Studies.
From the initial stages of the preparation of KLHS RDTR KEK Maloy BTK it can be understood that the issue of sustainable priority development agreed upon by various parties in East Kutai Regency is:
- Clean Water
- Public Welfare and Health
- Damage to coral reefs and mangroves
- Land and Social Conflict
- Waste Management
While from the results of the policy, plan and program (KRP) development contained in the Maloy Special Economic Spatial Plan (RDTR) Technical Detail Plan (KEK), the recommended KRP improvement is as follows:
- divert the fulfillment of raw water from springs on mountains to other sources that are adequate and safe for the environment;
- Ensuring that every land acquired for housing construction must be in a clean and clear condition of the potential for land conflict;
- Carefully identify the existence of high conservation value areas Criteria 1 and 3 in the KEK Maloy Batuta Trans Kalimantan area;
- Increase the use of non-wood building materials;
- ensure the construction of ports minimizes mangrove damage or replacing the existence of mangroves that are forced to disappear