
Monday, 12 December 2022



823 times seen

Radalok Operational Control Meeting in Quarter IV

Plt. Head of Subdivision of East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda Program Planning Mr. M. Isnainil Hude, S.Si and Plt. Head of Bappeda Provincial Subdivision of East Kalimantan Prov East Kalimantan Mr. Jerry Pahlevy Mahakam, S.E accompanied by the staff attending "Operational Activity Control Meeting (Radalok) Quarter IV APBD Prov. Kaltim "On December 7, 2022 at the Mercure Hotel Samarinda.


In Desk 3 led by Ir. Pamungkas Waluyo Adi, MT,


In general until 30 November 2022 Physical Realization of Bappeda Prov.Kaltim of 78.58% and finance amounted to 68.22% of the budget ceiling of Rp. 52m.


Bappeda Prov.Kaltim Prov. Target on December 30, 2022 Physical realization reached 90% and financial realization reached 86.89%.


Some completion efforts are carried out in the framework of the realization of the sub-activities until 30 November 2022 including evaluating the implementation of the sub-activity to increase the achievement of realization, especially the activities whose level of achievement is still low: conducting the agenda of the action plan for the implementation of each sub-activity that is harmonized with the agenda of other fields, as well as the acceleration of the financial procurement and administration process.


