
Wednesday, 09 June 2021



823 times seen

Meeting of One Data Implementation Indonesia East Kalimantan

Samarinda, June 8, 2021, 09.00 WITA . East Kalimantan Province Bappeda as the Secretariat of the Indonesian Data in East Kalimantan held a meeting to discuss the Governor's Regulation in the implementation of a East Kalimantan data as a derivative of Presidential Regulation Number 39 of 2019 concerning "One Indonesian Data".

Located in the Repeta Meeting Room of the East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda Office, this meeting was chaired by the Head of Planning, Control and Evaluation of Regional Development (P2EPD), Rina Juliaty, S.Si, M.Si, and attended by representatives of the East Kalimantan Diskominfo as Data Guardian and the Central Statistics Agency of the East Kalimantan Statistics as a data for data development.

The regulation of one East Kalimantan data aims to provide a reference in the implementation of data management to support planning, implementing, evaluating and controlling development in the regions. In addition, it is also to provide accurate, up -to -date, integrated, accountable data availability, and easily accessible, encouraging data openness and transparency so as to create planning and formulation of development policies based on data.

The type of data contained in one East Kalimantan data includes geospatial information data which includes basic geospatial information and thematic geospatial information, and statistical data which includes basic statistics, sectoral statistics, and special statistics.

On this occasion it was stated that the data producers were tasked with collecting data, and would be checked by the guardian of the data. Furthermore, Diskominfo confirmed that as the guardian of data it received data via electronics and non -electronics given the limitations of networks in the regions.

at this meeting it was agreed that then all fields in Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan will hold an internal meeting to discuss one Indonesian data and complete the data needed. It is planned that on June 22, the socialization activity of one East Kalimantan data will be carried out, and it is targeted that all relevant agencies have invested the proposed data according to the required data requirements.
