Meeting of Preparation of RPJMD Evaluation Report 2022
Bappeda Prov.Kaltim together with the Mulawarman University RPJMD Evaluation Team held a meeting to prepare the RPJMD Evaluation Report in 2022 on December 8, 2022 at the Golden Tulip Hotel Balikpapan.
This meeting was chaired by the Head of PPEPD Mrs. Rina Juliati in addition to the Functional Young Expert Sub -Coordinator of Mr. Berlin Sihaloho and was attended by the Mulawarman University RPJMD evaluation team and the East Kalimantan Bappeda Planning Division.
In this activity agreed on the Work Method of Evaluation of the RPJMD in 2022 includes a description of the performance of the RPJMD objectives, a picture of the performance achievement of the RPJMD target, a description of the performance achievements of the RPJMD priority program, the picture of 8 Dedicated/38 Excellent Programs, as well as a picture of the performance of IKU/IKK.
#ReportsEvaluasirpjmtahun 2022