Final Preparation Meeting of Work Visit and Field Review by Mr. East Kalimantan Governor to Kutai Kartanegara and West Kutai on 10-11 June 2021
Samarinda, June 8, 2021, 13.00 WITA . The East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Representative attended the Final Preparation Meeting of Work Visit and Field Review by the Governor of East Kalimantan to Kutai Kartanegara and West Kutai which is scheduled to be held on 10-11 June 2021. The meeting in the 2nd floor of the Meeting Room of the Governor of East Kalimantan.
At this meeting, it was discussed about the readiness of the team related to the implementation of the working visit of the Governor of East Kalimantan to a number of locations in Kutai Kartanegara and West Kutai. The work visit will involve regional apparatus and related stakeholders. A number of media colleagues will also be involved in the implementation of the working visit to directly cover the field activities.
related regional apparatuses will then prepare data related to progress and reports on conditions at the scheduled destination location. Some locations that will be scheduled to be visited include locations around mining, national roads traversed, mini ranchs in Jonggon, chili plantation locations in Sekolaq Darat District, and rubber plantations in Juaq ASA Village.
All completeness has been prepared by the team and all participants of the working visit will continue to implement the COVID-19 health protocol in the field implementation.