Saturday, 30 October 2021
Siola socialization meeting in the RPJPD Ranperda Evaluation Service
Wednesday, October 27, 2021. Bappeda of the Province of East Kalimantan was represented by the Planning, Control and Evaluation (Head of Subdivision of Planning and Funding, Alfino Rinaldi) attended virtual activities "Socialization of Siola in the RPJPD Ranperda Evaluation Service" organized by the Ministry of Domestic Affairs.
This socialization was opened by the Director of Planning, Evaluation and Regional Development Information Directorate General of Regional Development Drs. Nyoto Suwignyo, MM. In his remarks he said this Siola application facilitated administrative services, as well as to realize easy, fast, transparent, accountable, and on time services.
Siola provides 1 consultation service and 14 administrative services including the Provincial RPJPD / RPJMD RANPERDA evaluation service.
In this application, related to the evaluation of the Provincial RPJPD/RPJMD RANPERDA there are several requirements for inputs including the Introduction to the Introduction to the Ranperda Evaluation of the Governor, the Ranperda File and the Final Draft of the RPJPD/RPJMD of the Provincial, the Joint Approval Manuscript file
will then produce output in the form of a Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs regarding the results of the evaluation of the draft Regional Regulation on Regional Short Term Development Plans/Regional Medium-Term Development Plan.