
Tuesday, 31 January 2023



688 times seen

ASN and Non ASN Employee Staff Meeting and Being Friendly Welcoming Officials in the Bappeda Environment Prov. East Kalimantan

Monday (01/30/2023) Bappeda Prov. Kaltim held a Staff Meeting of ASN and Non ASN Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan. The agenda of the activity at the meeting was the signing of the 2023 performance agreement; Signing of a non -ASN contract agreement in 2023; Giving the Highest Budget Realization of KPA and PPTK awards in 2022 as well as being friendly to welcome officials in the Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan


The agenda was attended by all ASN and Non ASN employees and Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan that has been transferred to other bodies/agencies. In Pak Yuliando's remarks, ST as Acting. Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan said that employees can prioritize professionalism and be demanded to further improve their capabilities and capacity. In addition, the need for periodic performance evaluations, especially on the level of discipline and improving the quality of human resources through the implementation of training.


On the agenda of giving the highest budget rewards and PPTK awards in 2022, Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan gave appreciation to KPA and PPTK with the highest absorption in Bappeda in 2022. The performance of Bappeda's budget absorption in 2022 reached 88.82% and was ranked 17th out of 45 SKPDs in East Kalimantan Province. Mr. Yusliando hopes that in 2023 so that the performance of budget absorption can be further improved and focus on prioritizing the achievement of the output and outcome targets that have been prepared.



#Signing PK2023

#Signing of the Nonasnonas Nedledalized Military

#giving awards of the PAPPPTKREALIKANGGAGANTA2022


