Thursday, 15 September 2022
Technical Meeting on the Preparation and Utilization of the Grand Design for Population Development (GDPK) at the Provincial Level
Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan is represented by sub. The Welfare Sector attended the Technical Meeting for the Preparation and Utilization of the Grand Design for Population Development (GDPK) at the Provincial Level at the Aston Hotel Samarinda on Wednesday 07/09/2022
GDPK is a policy direction outlined in Indonesia's five-year population development program to realize population development targets.
The Grand Design for Population Development (GDPK) has 5 pillars which are important as tools in monitoring and evaluating the implementation of development in the population sector, namely (1) Controlling population quantity; (2) Improving the quality of the population; (3) Family development; (4) Arrangement, distribution and direction of population mobility; (5) Arrangement of population administration.
There are three GDPK strategic issues including factors that influence the population situation in Indonesia so complex that the institutional structure that handles them currently requires coordination between sectors and ministries/institutions, between central and regional governments ; The effectiveness of population development coordination should start from the planning phase to its implementation, so that it can reduce the gap between concept and implementation, minimize various conflicts between policies and regulations, reduce conflicts of authority and multiple interpretations of policy implementation; The Grand Design for Population Development is considered to have the potential to become a basis for handling population problems in a planned, systematic and sustainable manner.
East Kalimantan Province Regional Planning and Development Agency as Member of Pillar I Controlling Population Quantity, which is carried out by implementing policies for regulating fertility and reducing morality
GDPK is expected to be integrated into the RPJMN in accordance with the instructions of the regional head and in collaboration with regional apparatus supporting GDPK interests. So the strategic role of GDPK is considered to have the potential to become a basis for handling population problems in a planned, systematic and sustainable manner.
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