
Tuesday, 27 July 2021



718 times seen

Groundwork Analysis Research Results Seminar

Thursday 8 July 2021. Seminar on Research Results Groundwork Analysis

  • East Kalimantan has been determined 2 conservation areas through the Decree of the Minister of Maritime Affairs Number 87 of 2016, namely the area in the Derawan and surrounding areas and Ministerial Decree Number 27 of 2021 namely the Bontang Waters Area.
  • marine tourism in the coastal area on Derawan Island is the focus of research in the Department of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries compiled by teams from 4 institutions namely Stiper Kutim, Tanjungpura University Pontianak, and BSPL Pontianak-Balikpapan Satker, and the Faculty of Maritime Sciences in the Bogor Agricultural University.
  • Impact of Pandemi Covid-19 on the Maritime Tourism of Derawan Island based on the trend of tourist visits 58% decreases to the total number of tourists.
  • The application of CHSE in the tourist area of ​​Derawan Island has been carried out independently such as checking body temperature, providing a place to wash hands, and the application of using masks when leaving the inn.
  • The quality of Derawan waters is still in the range of coral growth tolerance and suitable for marine tourism activities
  • the carrying capacity of the area is greater than the number of visits, so it is necessary to increase the capacity of tourist actors, increase the use of marine tourism potential based on the carrying capacity of the region consistently, as well as the formation and strengthening of the SOP of KKP3K management of the Derawan Islands and its surroundings.
  • The community of tourist actors must participate in the management of the area by looking at the calculation of carrying capacity. And also requires clear communication and coordination with the desires of tourist visits.