
Thursday, 04 August 2022



705 times seen

Plenary Session 2 of 2022 TKPSDA WS Mahakam

Tuesday, 02/08/2022 in the field of infrastructure and region and the Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the agenda of the 2nd Plenary Session in 2022 The Mahakam Water Resources Management Coordination Team (TKPSDA) at the Midtown Hotel Samarinda.


Head of Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan gave a speech as well as opening the trial. The trial presented 5 (five) speakers namely Rustiani, ST; Bappeda Kab. West Kutai; East Kalimantan BPPW; BAPELITBANG KAB. PPU and Bappeda City of Balikpapan with material which includes the TKPSDA WS Mahakam rules; Strategic Issues "Provision of Alternative Raw Water in West Kutai Regency"; Making East Kalimantan Regional SPAM; Strategic Issues "Catchment Area Maintenance in IKN" and Strategic Issues "Flooding in the Somber Watershed"

#baped mutiled