2016 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization
Samarinda, Thursday, 14/07/2016. Data is an instrument needed by planners, data seekers, researchers and everyone needs data in order to plan something, in this case regional development, to achieve the desired targets. Without good data support, development planning will not be on target.
This was stated by the Head of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, DR.Ir.H. Zairin Zain, M.Si when delivering a speech and direction at the 2016 East Kalimantan Development Data Synchronization event in the meeting room on the 10th floor of the Sylica Hotel, Samarinda.
Zairin Zain further revealed that there are 5 (five) things Important data include:
1. The Importance of Data for Preparing Development Planning Documents;
2. Conditions and problems of data availability in preparing development planning and evaluation;
3. Information innovation on data availability through the Data Information System (SIDATA-Kaltim);
4. ONE DATA ONE MAP as Geoportal-based data development in East Kalimantan;
5. Direction for future development of Data Synchronization and Consolidation through data innovation.
The Importance of Data for Preparing Development Planning Documents.
The most important use of data in the planning process is to providing development targets, as we know in the RPJMD Document it is clear that the determination of Regional Performance indicators such as macroeconomics, performance in the health sector, performance in the education sector, performance in the social welfare sector and so on. These indicators are then used as target achievements that can be measured , so that construction is currently underway and once implemented, monitoring and evaluation can be carried out with clear measurements. By carrying out evaluations we can find out whether the performance we have achieved is in accordance with the targets that have been previously set. Therefore, the availability of data in these performance indicators is absolutely necessary in an evaluation process. In this way we will be able to measure the extent of the gap between targets and achievements. By knowing the gaps that occur, various factors can be identified that cause these gaps. Is it caused by internal factors or external factors? Next, the Government can take program and policy steps in the future.
Conditions and Problems of Data Availability in Preparing Development Planning and Evaluation.
In several years We are aware that the availability of data in East Kalimantan still does not provide attempts Maximum ability to answer several questions about the desired data in terms of data accuracy, speed of data information and ease of data search is still one of the problems in data information services.
The data is not yet accurate due to the lack of coordination and synchronization of existing data in various institutions, apart from the limited availability of human resources and costs for data collection and processing. The same data elements are still found but the values are different, both among government agencies and with BPS. For example, population data issued by BPS and Disdukcapil are different. Meanwhile, in the same agency, the data provided can change if requested at a different time within a period not too long from the first data request. For this reason, quite intense coordination is needed to synchronize the data that will be published. So it is hoped that there will be no differences in the data received by users.
Apart from that, as we know, the existing data information for the past few years is still contained in the form of books or hard copies, some of which include East Kalimantan Development Data or more commonly known as East Kalimantan in Figures, GRDP, Regional Profile , and is still presented in book and soft copy form which can only be published via website media. So in terms of time efficiency we cannot provide maximum service for data information to anyone.
From the perspective of planning and evaluating development implementation, the data needed is updated or current data as a reference from the precise preparation of development planning, both planning for 5 (five) years or the Regional Medium Term Development Plan (RPJMD) as well as annual planning, namely the Regional Development Work Plan (RKPD). In particular, annual planning for the RKPD has been regulated in the latest Minister of Home Affairs Regulation, namely Minister of Home Affairs Regulation No. 18 of 2016 which mandates that the preparation of the RKPD must become a final draft in the 3rd (third) week of May, while data availability is still in the synchronization and consolidation stage which will be published in July. So this is one of our important agendas to be able to encourage earlier data availability, at least the end of April so that the data presented is the latest and up to date data. However, apart from that, there is some data that is presented earlier than in previous years, one of which is the 2015 Human Development Index (HDI) data which was released in June 2016, whereas previously it was only presented in October. For this reason, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government appreciates the results of BPS's work and it is hoped that in the following years other types of data will be followed.
We have seen the conditions and problems we face related to data availability, so in this case a breakthrough and innovation in the availability of data based on an appropriate information system is needed and for this reason in 2015 a data system based on online, namely the East Kalimantan Data Information System (SIDATA-KALTIM).
SIDATA-KALTIM is a web-based program application that contains information on East Kalimantan development data, both basic statistics and sectoral data that supports the preparation of East Kalimantan development planning and policies. SIDATA-KALTIM was born as an effort to provide data and information in a timely, reliable, accurate and consistent and easy manner.
SIDATA-KALTIM contains at least 4,000 data elements focused on providing data to support preparation of development planning and control as well as preparation of other implementation documents. Apart from that, SIDATA-KALTIM is part of providing basic data for the ONE DATA ONE MAP geoportal system which was built in 2014.
ONE DATA ONE MAP as Geoportal Based Data Development in East Kalimantan.
ONE DATA ONE MAP was built based on the wishes of the Governor of East Kalimantan for one centralized database and the central government policy ONE MAP ONE DATA (One Map One Policy).
One of the wishes of the Governor of East Kalimantan is to have a system that can provide information and an overview of the condition and development of East Kalimantan through a map and of course this is supported by basic data that we can inventory appropriately. ONE DATA ONE MAP is also an effort to overcome differences in data which is currently one of the existing problems, for example the condition of the area, the size of the licensing area and others. So that through ONE DATA MAP we can answer the system that has been built and integrated well, namely the system for providing basic and sectoral statistical data through SIDATA-KALTIM which is overlaid onto the Geoportal map presented on ONE DATA ONE MAP which will later become planning recommendations contained in the System Regional Development Planning Information (SIPPD) and approved as a budget implementation document through SIMDA and monitored and controlled through the TEPRA system, these are all development innovations that can help us in developing East Kalimantan.
Directions for future development of Data Synchronization and Consolidation through data innovation.
As an important part of our future innovation and thinking, It is necessary for a direction to develop and change the data synchronization and consolidation efforts that we have been carrying out. Let's build an application-based synchronization mechanism that will become BIG DATA in East Kalimantan, so that we can quickly and easily classify data elements that still have differences and make it easier for us to clarify and consolidate these data differences.
Apart from that, there is also a need to strengthen synchronization at the Regency/City level as well as Coordination Meetings in each SKPD which consolidate the existing data in each SKPD, so that there are no more data differences that will support the implementation of planning and development in East Kalimantan.
Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, DR.Ir.H. Zairin Zain, M.Si at the end of his speech invited all parties (stakeholders) to pay attention and be aware of data, one of which is data from census and survey results from BPS, where these data can provide an overview of the potential conditions for regional development, for example the results of the economic census. We can use it to find out and monitor the economic conditions of each region. As we know, East Kalimantan's economic growth experienced a contraction of -1.61%, which was influenced by a decline in the performance of mining, quarrying and company services. Zairin Zain hopes that in the spirit of togetherness we will carry out efforts to provide fast and accurate data in East Kalimantan. Hopefully the efforts we make can provide benefits for the progress of East Kalimantan Province. he said. (Sukandar, S.Sos/Public Relations of Bappeda Kaltim).