Thursday, 17 November 2022
Socialization of Ecological -Based Fiscal Incentives Schemes from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government to City Regency
Monday, 11/14/2022 Ir. Hidayanti Darma, MP (Head of Economy and Sda-Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan), Agus Taswanto, S.T., M. Ling. (Young Expert Planner, SDA-LH Coordinator-Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan) as well as all young expert planners and staff in the Economy and SDA Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan attended the agenda of the socialization of the ecological -based fiscal incentive scheme from the East Kalimantan Provincial Government to the City District
The socialization was attended by 10 districts/cities from the OPD element from Bappeda/Bappelitbang; Environmental Service; BPKAD; Plantation Service; Agriculture Service. The socialization was opened by Ir. Hidayanti Darma, MP as Head of Head. Economy and SDA Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan. By presenting the resource person, M. Fadli
Fiscal Incentives Based on Ecological or Ecological Fiscal Transfer (EFT) is a model of higher government expenditure allocation models to the government of lower levels in each region, namely: from the center to the province (tane ), from province to district/city (tape), and from districts to villages (Take) based on considerations of ecological performance that has been achieved. This fiscal transfer scheme is intended to support environmental protection activities by adding ecological indicators as one of the requirements in providing fiscal transfer.
Tape initiative in East Kalimantan which was initiated using a special financial assistance scheme from the province to the district/city. Criteria, Weight and Indicators of Tape For Assessment of the Proposed Financial Assistance include: The first criterion is the policy of protection and management of forests, peatlands and mangroves with a weight of 30% and indicators of the percentage of green open space (RTH), Taman Kehati (TK) and/or/or or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or/or Regency/City Botanical Garden, Regency/City Forest Park (THR), Area of High Conservation Value (ANKT), and/or other regencies/city protection areas (KP), such as kee, peat protection, etc. / P>
The second criterion is the handling of waste with a weight of 30% and indicators of waste percentage utilized:
SDK: waste is reused (tons)
SDU: Recycled waste (tons)
SO: waste carried out (tons)
TS: waste generation (tons)
The third criterion is the improvement of water quality with a weight of 20% and the indicator is a change in water quality index
The fourth criterion is the improvement of air quality with a weight of 20% and the indicator is a change in air quality index.
The data collection process and index assessment are carried out with the following stages:
data is collected by conducting an independent assessment by the district/city with a list (form) provided.
Regency/City Government Filling out data accompanied by regional documents as a verification tool and sending it to the Provincial Verification Team.
The Provincial Verification Team conducts an assessment, verification and scoring of the contents that have been sent by the Regency/City Government.
Provincial Verification Team Calculates the Value of the Comes of Environmental Performance Achievement, the Provincial Government and makes the basis for calculating the index value in the provision of environmental financial assistance budget ceiling for the district/city government.
#baped mutiled
#rooms of the green