Tuesday, 22 November 2022
Socialization of the East Kalimantan Development Planning Data Analysis System (SADAP) Application
The East Kalimantan Provincial Bappeda through the PPED Division conducted socialization on the use of the East Kalimantan Development Planning Data Analysis System (SADAP) in a hybrid manner on November 21 2022 at the Regional Police meeting room and via Zoom meeting.
The use of this system is being socialized to Regional Apparatus within the East Kalimantan Province, Companies and development partners.
Head of PPEPD, Mrs. Rina Juliati, explained that the East Kalimantan Development Planning Data Analysis System (SADAP) has the aim of processing geospatial and statistical information data as well as analyzing data for the preparation of regional planning documents
It is hoped that with this system regional development planning documents will be prepared with quality, measurability and direction through a Thematic, Holistic, Integrative, Spatial (THIS) approach; Determining target indicators: Goals and objectives can be formulated precisely (not under-expectation or over-expectation).
The application of spatial and statistical data analysis in the regional development planning process is expected to increase the performance and efficiency of regional apparatus budgets; Program and activity plans as well as performance targets for regional apparatus can be prepared
based on complete, valid, actual data and taking into account the results of the previous year's implementation evaluation.
In preparation for the preparation of the 2024-2026 Regional Development Plan document, Regional Apparatus can carry out analysis of development planning data and the Private Sector and development partners can submit Programs/CSR through the SADAP application so that.
#regional planning document
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