
Friday, 23 September 2022



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Socialization and bimtek e monitoring and evaluation of public body compliance with public information disclosure

Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province was represented by the Staff of the Government and Human Development to attend socialization and bimtek e-monitoring and evaluation of public body compliance with public information disclosure throughout the Kaltim through the Zoom Meeting application, Tuesday (09/20/2022).



This activity was opened by the Chairperson of the Central Information Commission Mr. Donny Yoesgiantoro, and as the resource person Mr. Muh. Haidir.


monitoring and evaluation aims to measure the level of compliance of public bodies in the implementation of information disclosure, but also to identify, inventory, provide feedback and solutions to problems that arise in the implementation of information disclosure.


explained by Mr. Haidir the assessment indicator in e-Monev this year is different from the previous year, if last year there were only four indicators, then this year there were six assessment indicators. "If the previous year, especially for the Regency Government and City Government, there were only four indicators, well for this year because the e-Monev system there were six aspects that would be assessed," he explained


the six assessment indicators include aspects of facilities and infrastructure, aspects of information quality, aspects of information types, aspects of information commitment, aspects of digitalization and aspects of procurement of goods and services.

#baped mutiled

#Evaluation of the Fighting of Public Public

#Openness of Information