
Wednesday, 23 June 2021



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Socialization and Dissemination of Invitations for Handling Social Conflicts and Implementing Regulations for State Civil Apparatus and Community Figures

Samarinda, June 17, 2021, 08.30 WITA . Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province attended the socialization activities of the Dissemination of Legislation in the Handling of Social Conflict and its Implementation Regulations for the State Civil Apparatus and Community Leaders held at the Bumi Senyiur Hotel Samarinda City. The event was opened by the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, Ir. M. Sa'bani, M.Sc and attended by around 68 participants from all regional apparatus scope of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan and Regency/City. This event presented a number of speakers including the Head of Sub Directorate of Conflict Management, Directorate of Political and General Government of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Anug Kurniawan, S.ST, M.Sc; Asintel Prosecutor's Office of East Kalimantan Province, M. Sumartono, SH, MH; Head of Kesbangpol of East Kalimantan Province, Drs. Sufian Agus, M.Sc.

Regional Secretary of the Province of East Kalimantan in his remarks conveyed in the current Pandemic, social conflict has the potential to occur. Therefore, the socialization of legislation in handling conflicts and regulations for its state civil servants and community leaders is appropriate to be understood by stakeholders and community leaders in an effort to deal with social conflicts that occur.

Meanwhile, in his presentation session Anug Kurniawan as Head of Subdivision of the Ministry of Home Affairs Conflict Handling Display in the framework of the synergy of conflict prevention coordination, termination of conflict and post-conflict recovery based on Permendagri number 42 of 2015 concerning the implementation of coordinating social conflict handling Article 4 paragraph (1 - 2) includes 3 important things, namely: the implementation of conflict prevention, termination of conflict, and post -conflict recovery. These three things must be carried out at each level, both national, provincial, district/city level. Emergency measures to stop conflict at the provincial level can be carried out in accordance with the direction of the governor by coordinating the OPD/related agencies to rescue and protection of provincial scale victims. Similarly, the process that needs to be done at the district/city level. Furthermore, he reminded that he needed to anticipate (political aspects) during the presidential election and the simultaneous local elections 2024.

m. Sumartono as Asintel Kejati East Kalimantan said that the importance of being understood by all stakeholders and community leaders in handling social conflicts as stipulated in Law Number 7 of 2012 concerning Handling Social Conflict.

Meanwhile, the Head of Kesbangpol of East Kalimantan Province said that according to RI Law No.7 of 2012, social conflict is a feud and/or physical clash with violence between two or more groups of people takes place within a certain time and has a broad impact that results in inseption and social disintegration so as to interfere with national stability and hamper national development. Conflicts that often occur in life can be divided into categories including personal, racial, religious, between social, political, social, and international conflicts.

As data collected by Kesbangpol Kaltim, a map of conflict is prone to the Prov. East Kalimantan, one of them in Samarinda City, the causes are related to drug trafficking, illegal mines, the entry of radicals, assembly senpi, mass organizations, and forest and land fires. Some of the seeds of potential social conflict in East Kalimantan include: the murder of a woman in West Kutai, the rejection of the formation of UN organizations in Balikpapan, fights between mass organizations in Kukar and Samarinda, land disputes, in Kutim, Kukar, Paser, PPU, and blasphemy through social media and the existence of misguided flow. The scope of handling social conflicts includes prevention, stop, and recovery.

In order to maintain the conduciveness of the East Kalimantan region, the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan has facilitated the formation of several forums which are the mandate of the laws and regulations, including: Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB), Forum Community Early Awareness (FKDM), National Development Forum (FPK), Regional Intelligence Community (Kominda), Terrorism Coordination Forum (FKPT), and Integrated Team for handling regional security disturbances.

With the implementation of socialization on the dissemination of the legislation of handling social conflicts and its implementing regulations, it is hoped that all stakeholders and community leaders can understand all aspects and legislation regulations that regulate, so as to prevent prevention , termination, and recovery of social conflicts amidst Pandemi Covid 19 that occurs.

(Humasbappeda/Dawn) .