
Monday, 02 January 2023



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E-Kinerja Socialization for the Preparation of SKP 2022

Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan conducted an e-work socialization for the preparation of SKP in 2022 on December 30, 2022 at the Poldas Meeting Room.


This socialization was opened by the Secretary of Bappeda Prov.Kaltim Mrs. Charmarijaty, ST, M.Sc and attended by all ASN Bappeda Prov East Kalimantan.


This socialization presents speakers from BKD Prov. Kaltim Mrs. Rita Andriani, S.STP, MM and Mrs. Halimah, S.STP


in her remarks Mrs. Charmarijaty said the SKP format in 2022 was different from the previous year, in accordance with the SKP format of Permenpan 2022. "It is necessary to adjust the job description for the Bappeda performance tree" he explained.


In this activity explains how filling SKP 2022 in the performance

#baped mutiled


#work socialization

#Preparation of SKPASN2022