Socialization of 2023 Regional Development Awards (PPD) at Regency/City Level
Bappeda East Kalimantan Province through the Government and Human Development Sector (PPM) held a Socialization of the 2023 Regional Development Awards (PPD) at Regency/City Level in the East Kalimantan Bappeda Repetada Meeting Room, Friday ( 01/20/2023).
The socialization meeting chaired by the Head of the PPM Bapeda Kaltim Division, Mr. The Mispoyo was attended by ± 45 participants from relevant stakeholders consisting of elements of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, all Heads of Division and Young Expert Planners within the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Academics from Mulawarman University, the Governor's Team for Overseeing the Acceleration of Development (TGUP3) for East Kalimantan, and Partners Development of East Kalimantan such as the State Administration Institute and the East Kalimantan Central Statistics Agency (BPD).
The meeting which was held to form the PPD Assessment Team and socialize the 2023 PPD assessment mechanism at the provincial level was a follow-up to Bappenas letter Number 00190/ME.02.05/Dt.9.3/T /01/2023 concerning Socialization of the 2023 Regional Development Awards (PPD) at Regency/City Level.
"In this socialization meeting, I hope that cooperation from all parties regarding the 2023 PPD assessment mechanism will hopefully be clear and understood by the PPD Team considering that there are several additions in strengthening the assessment system in the PPD 2023" was delivered by Pak Poyo, a warm greeting from the Head of PPM who was just appointed on January 13 2023.
PPD which is held every year is an appreciation for the best districts/cities based on the results of assessments and evaluations to encourage local governments to prepare planning documents that are consistent, comprehensive, measurable, implementable and encouraging integration, synchronization and synergy between central and regional planning, as well as encouraging regional governments to carry out activities effectively and efficiently in order to achieve development targets and encouraging regional governments to innovate in planning and implementing development.
Furthermore, the best districts and cities at the provincial level will then take part in the next stage in the 2022 PPD assessment at the national level.
The 2023 VAT socialization is the initial stage of the district/city assessment stage. The next assessment stages include document collection through the Digital PPD Assessment System, Assessment of District/City RKPD and Innovation Documents, verification and interviews, and submission of the best District/City at the provincial level.
For your information, the results of the Presentation and Interview assessments for the 3 Districts and 3 Cities that have been determined in stage I will be announced in order of the best ranking at the Provincial Level which will be presented in the implementation of the upcoming Provincial RKPD Musrenbang.
#socializationppd2023levelkotakaltim district
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