
Wednesday, 02 November 2022



844 times seen

Socialization of Strengthening Evaluation of Regional Development Planning Based on the Application of East Kutai Regency

Friday, 10/28/2022. East Kalimantan Province Bappeda was represented by the Head of P2EPD Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province (Mrs. Rina Juliaty, S.Si, M.Sc) was present as a guest speaker in the "Socialization of Strengthening Evaluation of Regional Development Planning Based on the Application of East Kutai Regency" which was carried out at the Grand Hotel Grand Senyiur Samarinda.


Ms. Rina conveyed several fundamental things that need to be considered in the process of controlling and evaluating the development planning of East Kutai Regency including the evaluation of the implementation of the East Kutai RPJPD; Basis for Evaluation Control which refers to Law No.25 of 2004 and Permendagri No.86 of 2017; The need to integrate the application system developed in East Kutai to facilitate reporting in the regions; and the most important thing is to maintain the consistency of planning between development planning documents in East Kutai Regency (RPJPD, RPJMD, RKPD and RTRW).


also conveyed appreciation of the steps taken by the East Kutai Regency Government to develop the application system as a support in achieving the optimization of development control and evaluation in East Kutai Regency, hopefully in the future it can be further developed.


This event was attended by all representatives of the Regional Government of East Kutai Regency Government and was opened by Assistant II of the Economy and Development of East Kutai (Mr. Ir. Zubair, MT).

#baped mutiled


#planning to build up


#Document Planning