Permendagri socialization number 17 of 2021
Samarinda, (10/05/2021). Kepal Sub Division of Planning and Funding Alfino Rinaldi Arief, ST, M.E and staff participated in the Permendagri socialization number 17 of 2021 concerning Guidelines for the Preparation of RKPD in 2022 Virtual through Zoom Meeting.
This activity was organized by the Ministry of Home Affairs, opened by the Director of Regional Evaluation and Information Planning and attended by the Ministry of Home Affairs Directorate General of Bina Bangda, Bappenas, Inspectorate General, Bappeda Regency and Cities throughout Indonesia.
The purpose of this socialization is to become a guideline or reference in the preparation of RKPD 2022 which begins with the initial draft of the Provincial and Regency/City RKPD, as well as the realization of national synchronization between government levels, and the realization Nasinal, Province and Regency/City Development.
conveyed by Alfino that the RKPD must be guided by the RKP, namely the direction of national development policies and national strategic programs. The Provincial RKPD is set no later than the end of June 2021 and the final design of the RKPD is completed at the end of May, which is then used as an evaluation material and the basis for the preparation of the KUA PPAS design.
Alfino also explained for East Kalimantan, from the results yes; "> 2022 is the rate of economic growth of 3.5 +-1, poverty of 5.92%, and an open unemployment rate of 6.0-6.5%.