Wednesday, 02 December 2020
Permendagri socialization number 64 of 2020
Samarinda, August 6, 2020 . Secretary of Bappeda Province of East Kalimantan Drs. Sufian Agus, M.Si accompanied by the Head of Subdivision of the Planner in the field of Planning Virtual following the Webinar of the APBD Policy Coordination Meeting for the 2021 Fiscal Year with the Agenda of Permendagri Socialization Number 64 of 2020. This socialization was held by the Director General of Finance through the Polycon application and opened by the Secretary General of the Ministry of Home Affairs Dr. Ir. Muhammad Hudori, M. Si.
In addition to the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda, this activity was also followed by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Bappenas, Ministry of Communication and Information, DPRD Chairperson, Regional Secretary, BPKAD, Inspector and Setwan throughout Indonesia.
Resource persons In this socialization Mohammad Roudo (Directorate of Regional Autonomy, Bappenas), Agung Widiadi (Director of Evaluation and Information System, Ministry of Finance), Bambang Dwi Anggono (Director of Government Information Application Services, Ministry of Communication and Information) and Dr. Sumule Tumbo, SE, MM, (Kasubbid Regional Revenue 3, Ministry of Home Affairs).
In general, things that must be considered in the preparation of the 2021 APBD are: First, synchronizing local government policies with central government policies. Second, the principle of budget preparation of 2021. Third, planning policy 2021, and fourth, technical budget preparation of 2021. (Public Relations Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province/Fat)