
Thursday, 16 June 2022



2132 times seen

RB Permenpan Socialization Number 6 of 2022

Wednesday, 06/15/2022 Kasubbag. General and Personnel Staff attended the Socialization of the Minister of Administrative Reform Regulation and Bureaucratic Reform Number 6 of 2022 concerning Management of the Performance of State Civil Apparatus Employees held at the Office of the Regional Personnel Agency Prov. Kaltim and Zoom Meeting


In the socialization, the Head of East Kalimantan BKD Drs. Diddy Rusdiansyah, MM said that, how is the increase in credit numbers as a calculation for promotion. So do not be considered an assessment is not underestimated. It is expected to be consistent, so that we become our basis in the future as part of getting the actual PDIP rights and functional employee rights to get an assessment in promotion


delivered by Rita Andriani as Head of PKP BKD East Kalimantan that every government agency is required to apply employee performance management.

#baped mutiled


#Permenpanrbno6Tahun 2022

#Management of KinaerjapegawaiAsn