
Sunday, 30 January 2022



951 kali dilihat

Socialization of the Priority Program for Livable Homes and Food for Reforestation

Friday, 01/28/2022. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province, represented by the Economic and Natural Resources Sector, attended the "Socialization of the Priority Program for Livable Homes and Food for Reforestation" in the Tepian 2 Meeting Room of the Governor's Office.

In order to synergize the implementation of priority programs with regional development programs in order to provide more optimal benefits for the welfare of regional communities, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government is conducting outreach on the Livable Homes Priority Program

This program is contained in Governor Regulation Number 27 of 2021 with the aim of increasing company participation and also community and stakeholder awareness of the implementation of priority programs in the regions.

According to a report from the Head of Subdivision of Natural Resources and Environment, Bappeda, East Kalimantan Province, Agus Taswanto, while attending the event, currently the data on proposals for building livable houses for districts/cities in East Kalimantan Province has reached 5,135 and participation There are 10 companies that have committed to building livable houses.

Regarding funding for the implementation of Priority programs, this is the obligation of companies carrying out business activities in the region, while funding related to the implementation of priority programs can be charged to the regional income and expenditure budget in accordance with Regional capabilities.< /p>

The construction of livable houses and greening is intended as a form of the Company's concern, responsibility and appreciation for the environment and surrounding communities for the impact of activities that have been carried out







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