
Wednesday, 02 December 2020



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Rad-GRK Socialization

Balikpapan, 28/2/12. Deputy for Natural Resources and Environment, Ministry of National Development Planning (PPN)/Agency wagub-rusmadi_website National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) Dr. Ir. Endah Murniningtyas, MSc gave a speech at the Socialization event for the Preparation of Regional Action Plans for Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions (RAD-GRK) in Balikpapan, 28/2/12.

This event was held thanks to good cooperation between the Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas, East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Ministry of Home Affairs, Ministry of Environment, and other Ministries/Institutions, and thanks also to support from development partners, JICA and GIZ attended by participants or The invitation of approximately 100 people came from representatives of the Provincial Government in the Kalimantan Region, representatives from universities and non-governmental organizations, as well as representatives of Ministries/Institutions at the central level and development partners and was attended by the Deputy Governor of East Kalimantan H. Farid Wadjdy and Head of East Kalimantan Bappeda DR.H.Ir. Rusmadi.MS.

Characteristics of East Kalimantan

Economic potential in the Kalimantan region originating from the mining and quarrying sector (28.16 percent); processing industry (21.05 percent); agriculture (15.29 percent). Kalimantan has large coal reserves, namely 52.1 million tons. Apart from that, Kalimantan is also known as a fairly large contributor to national palm oil production. The Kalimantan region has the second highest forest cover after Papua, but the deforestation rate is 246 thousand hectares/year. In terms of access to basic needs, for example, the electrification ratio on Kalimantan Island varies between 46 percent to 74 percent, where the highest electrification ratio belongs to South Kalimantan Province at 73.93%, followed sequentially by East Kalimantan Province at 65.33%, West Kalimantan at 65.33%. 46.64%, and Central Kalimantan at 45.61%. Said the Deputy for Natural Resources and Environment of BAPPENAS when giving his speech.


The Deputy added that by increasing the use of solar energy for lighting, people will be able to increase access to electricity; can save the use of PLTD electricity which is used for street lighting or other public places. "The use of renewable resources will replace the cost of electricity from fuel/coal which is increasingly expensive and produces emissions," he said.

Similarly, careless disposal and management of waste which has the potential to damage the environment and cause methane emissions also needs to be corrected. Good waste management even has the potential to grow businesses to produce gas that can be used for energy or utilized by other industries. Animal waste that has not been managed so far, if managed properly, will be able to produce biogas which can reduce the scarcity of fuel and organic fertilizer which, if utilized, will improve land conditions and produce organic commodities that have higher selling prices.

In relation to reducing emissions, there are activities that need to be adjusted and changed and there are also many new activities that can be developed. For example, irresponsible deforestation needs to be stopped. Furthermore, land clearing measures that produce emissions that cause global warming need to be stopped. These measures need to be replaced with more environmentally friendly methods. Forests that are only used for wood will be able to produce carbon sequestration environmental services that can be valued in money.

The Deputy suggested that there is still an opportunity to change behavior and manage activities to be more environmentally friendly and reduce emissions, but at the same time also generate new economic activities and new income for the community.

The essence of what the deputy said was to invite all parties to utilize and organize activities that can reduce emissions and at the same time generate new activities and income for the community or save resources that we have been using in ways that are not environmentally friendly and less efficient; by utilizing cleaner and more efficient technology.

Commitment of the President of the Republic of Indonesia Susilo Bambang Yudoyono

Indonesia has a very important position in the issue of global climate change. On the one hand, Indonesia is a country that is very vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, which has a major impact on people's lives: (i) disruption of weather and climate which affects the planting season of various agricultural commodities; (ii) the emergence of various flood disasters in various places which not only disrupt the planting and harvest seasons but also people's lives; (iii) damage to infrastructure and erosion of coastal areas due to rising sea levels; and negative impacts in the health sector.

Indonesia, like other countries, also contributes to greenhouse gas emissions. In this regard, Indonesia considers it important to take steps to overcome the impacts of climate change and also reduce the chances of climate change occurring by reducing GHG emissions which are the cause of global climate change.

As a continuation of the President's commitment to reduce GHG emissions by 26% in 2020 with his own efforts and by 41% with international support, Presidential Decree no. 61 of 2011 on 20 September 201. The Presidential Decree outlines the President's commitment by: (i) dividing the GHG emission reduction target into 5 (five) main sectors, namely the Forestry and Peat Land sectors; Agricultural Sector, Energy and Transportation Sector, Industrial Sector and Waste Sector; (ii) identify programs and activities that can support the achievement of emission reduction targets. Activities consist of 50 (fifty) core activities and 73 supporting activities and are carried out by around 20 K/L. These activities have been listed in the 2010-2014 RPJMN so that every year they will be carried out by K/L and allocated a budget.

To complete this implementation, the RAN-GRK Presidential Decree will also be followed up with RAD-GRK which will be prepared by regional parties and coordinated by the Regional Government; and for this reason, Guidelines for Preparing RAD-GRK have been prepared which were launched on January 12 2012, I Jakarta, and will be explained further this afternoon.

Nationally, the biggest emission reduction target is from forestry and peatlands. However, we also have to pay attention to the sectors whose emissions are growing the fastest, namely the energy and transportation sectors. However, what needs to be noted is that emission reduction targets at the regional level need to be adjusted to the conditions and potential emissions as well as reduction steps that are unique and different from one region to another.

Preparation of RAD-GRK

The preparation of RAD-GRK is essentially planning activities to reduce GHG emissions and create new economic activities and income in accordance with Presidential Decree 61/2012 which must be completed 12 months after the enactment of the RAN-GRK Presidential Decree, namely in September 2012; and stipulated in a Governor's Regulation, so that it can serve as a guide for joint implementation. With the existence of RAN-GRK and RAD-GRK, we will all have a joint effort plan to create activities that are environmentally friendly, use resources efficiently and reduce emissions as well as activities that create income for the community or increase community access to energy, electricity or lighting. .

With RAD-GRK, we will all have activity plans which we can internalize into the RKP/D and RPJMN/D, so that they will be funded by the APBN/D and implemented continuously. In this way, our quality of life will be cleaner, greener (leaving no pollution and destroying nature and the environment) and more importantly, it will also create new economic activities, which means increasing jobs and reducing poverty.

In preparing and implementing RAD-GRK, the things that need to be considered are:
1. RAD-GRK is harmonized with several planning documents: RPJMN, RPJMD, APBD, Regional Head's vision and mission, new national initiatives (such as MP3EI), as well as certain focuses regarding the direction of accelerating regional development;
2. The preparation of RAD-GRK fully involves all relevant stakeholders, such as the legislature/DPRD, business world, universities, academics, non-governmental organizations and so on;
3. We need to communicate continuously so that we all have the correct understanding and the same commitment to carry out real actions.

Collaboration between Stakeholders

There is cooperation with all parties and stakeholders both at the central and regional levels, we will continue to work together and our team at Bappenas and K/L will continue to work together, ladies and gentlemen, to complete the RAD-GRK until it is finished, and together implementing RAN-GRK and RAD-GRK for a better pattern of development and life. Leaving less pollution, reducing the ways in which nature and the environment can be damaged, because we borrow from future generations.

With cooperation under the leadership of Governors and Regents/Mayors, we can preserve nature and the environment and utilize natural resources more wisely without reducing opportunities to improve community welfare. The implementation of RAN-GRK and RAD-GRK needs to be monitored together, recorded emissions reductions and reported every year at the Annual Session of the National Council on Climate Change, which will be chaired directly by the President of the Republic of Indonesia.

Results of RAD-GRK socialization

1. Cooperation and Hard Work to Implement RAN-GRK and RAD-GRK

In preparing RAD-GRK, it is hoped that the Regional Government in each province can collaborate with local experts and universities to be able to support the preparation of RAD in accordance with existing potential and capacity. Meanwhile, the National Coordination Team and secretariat will assist the Regional Government and facilitate the process.

Several Provincial Governments have taken the initiative to form Climate Change Working Groups, and have begun to prepare plans for emission reduction activities and adaptation measures to anticipate and overcome the impacts of climate change. In this regard, it is hoped that with the existence of RAD-GRK, these steps will be more coordinated, and the Regional Government will be able to concrete them into concrete, medium-long term steps to be included in the RKPD and RPJMD planning documents.

2. Follow-up implementation plan

Regional Governments can complete the preparation of the RAD-GRK within the specified time. In the preparation process, regions can always consult with the RAN/RAD-GRK Coordination Team and Secretariat formed at the national level. (Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Bappeda/Sukandar, Sos).