
Monday, 08 March 2021



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Strategy, policy direction, and recommendations for East Kalimantan Bappeda in public consultation for the preparation of the Samarinda City RKPD Ranwal in 2022

Samarinda - In the framework of the preparation of the Samarinda City RKPD in 2022, the Samarinda City Government carried out public consultations as one of the stages to gather the aspirations or expectations of the community towards the goals, objectives, and regional development programs.

Samarinda Mayor Selected, Dr. H. Andi Harun, opened the event which was held online through the Zoom Meeting application, Monday, 8/3/2021. In the event, there was also a Deputy Mayor of Samarinda, Dr. H. Rusmadi Wongso, Assistant, Head of Samarinda Bappeda, as well as 135 other participants who attended virtually from the elements of the Regional Apparatus Organization (OPD) of Samarinda City, BUMD, academics, community leaders, mass media, and other related parties. In addition, the event also presented 3 speakers, including Prof. Dr. Hj. Eny Rochaida (Professor of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Mulawarman University), Dana Adikusuma A.T., M.Sc., IAP. (Indonesian Planning Expert Association), and Head of Bappeda Prov. Kaltim (Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM).

In his presentation, Head of Bappeda Prov. Kaltim, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. M. Aswin, MM, conveyed the strategy and direction of the development policy of East Kalimantan Province in Samarinda City.

"There are several strategies in the direction of regional development policies in Samarinda City, including providing access and quality of education, increasing the competitiveness of the younger generation, increasing access and quality of health services, and expanding opportunities work ", said Prof. Aswin explained.

further, Prof. Aswin submitted a recommendation for the preparation of RKPD in 2022 in the area that carried out the Pilkada Sendah in 2020 (one of them Samarinda), which did not yet have the RPJMD as a description of the preparation of the 2022 RKPD.

1. The policy direction and main targets of the RPJPD, Provincial RPJMD, and national priority programs in the RKP;

2. Evaluation of the performance achievements of the previous period RPJMD and the Regional Apparatus Strategic Plan for the previous period;

3. Evaluation of RKPD Performance Achievements in 2020 and Renja Regional Apparatus in 2020; and

4. Vision, mission, and selected regional head program.


(Humasbapandalaltim/Fajar/Editor: Sukandar, S.Sos.)

Photo: Doc. Kaltim Bappeda Public Relations