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Spatial data management orientation study

Bandung, 5/01/12. " Data is a development asset, in order to achieve integrated, effective and efficient development, valid data is needed,  1._data_Spasial_website_5_Jan_12 superior, and can be trusted," said the remarks delivered by Ir. Hj. Hani Yuhani, MPM, Head of the Technical Implementation Unit (UPTB) Data Center and Development Analysis (Pusdalisbang) of West Java Province when opening and receiving the East Kalimantan Provincial Government Team in the context of the Study Orientation of Data and Development Information Management on January 5, 201 2 . Salman _ -_ Bandung

This activity is a pro-active step taken by East Kalimantan in conducting discussions and exchanges opinions related to development of development planning data, especially spatial data.

UPTB Pusdalisbang is u n Sur Implementing Operational Technical Tasks and Supporting BA P Peda p West Java Province. Formed through West Java Governor Regulation Number 113/2009. The main function of the Pusdalisbang is to collect, process, analyze spatial and aspatial data to serve the data and information needs of West Java development and managing information systems and infrastructure networks. Span> Matika West Java is the main function of the formation of this unit.

3._data_Spasial_Bandung Departing from Plan for Development and Strengthening Spatial Data Conditions in East Kalimantan, Orientation Study led by the Head of Infrastructure & Development of the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda Ir. H. Salman Lumoindong, MM along with Staff, as well as staff in the field of spatial planning of the Public Works Office Prov. East Kalimantan is an effort to get experience input from the province that is considered successful in starting the first step in managing its spatial data. It is planned that in 2012, East Kalimantan Province will carry out structured spatial data management to meet the agreed operational standards with the main focus of institutional strengthening.

This institutional strengthening will of course begin with the preparation of road map Development of Spatial Data East Kalimantan. Road Map is expected to be able to study and provide direction for spatial data development based on existing conditions, activities that have been carried out previously, as well as future development plans to realize the uniformity of basic maps that can be used by various sectors of interest. Span>

Some important things that need to be underlined as a result of the study of these activities are:

1. In the management of spatial data requires a complete understanding (one data) that the use of standard, uniform, valid, accurate, and valid data use will realize quality development planning ;

2. The use of basic maps must be uniform for various sectors of interest and not for the use of the sector itself but needs to be shared using (sharing ) Data for the sake of development ;

3. The importance of institutional strengthening as the first step to realize a quality data for development ;

4. There needs to be a mechanism agreed upon about input, process, output, and data publication for several stakeholders different (private, policy makers, and public) ;

5. Legality aspect is a legal umbrella that is needed in the implementation of standard and integrated spatial data management motion ;

6. Quality Human Resources are the driving wheels in the body management of spatial data. In addition to strengthening institutions, strengthening infrastructure, strengthening the quality of human resources is an important thing that becomes an asset in the management of spatial data.

the results of the discussion and exchange of opinions between the East Kalimantan Bappeda Team and UPTB Pusdalisbang Bappeda West Java is very useful In finalizing the preparation of the concept of spatial data development in East Kalimantan. The quality of spatial data is one of the determinants of the quality of regional development planning. Source of Data: Infrastructure and Development of the East Kalimantan Bappeda Region and are informed by Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar Public Relations, S. Sos.

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