
Wednesday, 23 June 2021



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Invitation to Disseminate the KALTIM Provincial Economic Report (LPP) and WEBINAR Accelerating the Development of Industrial Areas and Special Economic Zones

Samarinda, 15 June 2021, 09.00 WITA. East Kalimantan Province Bappeda attended the online (virtual) dissemination of East Kalimantan Province economic reports and webinars on accelerating the development of industrial areas and special economic zones. This event was attended by Bank Indonesia, Representatives of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, Balikpapan City Government, East Kutai Regency Government, PPU Regency Government, PUPR, DPMPTSP and stakeholders.

Resources present at this event were Head of KPW Bank Indonesia East Kalimantan Province, Tutuk S.H Cahyono; General Chair of the Industrial Area Association, Sanny Iskandar, M.BA; and Director of Services and Regional Planning, Noor Fuad Fitrianto.

The Head of KPW Bank Indonesia said in his presentation that the momentum for economic improvement continued in the first quarter of 2021, but was not yet very strong. The improvement was mainly driven by export performance due to increased demand from China and the US, realization of fiscal spending (spending on goods, capital and social assistance), as well as non-building investment. Meanwhile, improvements in household consumption are still not in line with the control of Covid-19 in a number of regions. The prospects for the domestic economy will continue to improve in 2021. Economic recovery is supported by improvements in the global economy, mobility with vaccination, fiscal and monetary stimulus, as well as credit and financing support from banks. Macroeconomic and financial system stability is maintained. Apart from that, it was also conveyed that recovery and strengthening of the East Kalimantan economy in the long term can be realized with health protocols and accelerated vaccination, 3 development priorities (abundant natural resource-based downstreaming, superior tourism and competitive MSMEs) followed by strengthening industrial zones/special economic zones.

Furthermore, the General Chair of the Industrial Area Association conveyed several basic things needed in the Development of Economic Areas, including 1. The location of the Economic Area is in the RTRW according to its designation, Location Permitting, Land Acquisition , Land Certification; 2. Determine the Core Competencies of Regional Industries; 3. Establish an entity for the development and management of the Economic Area; 4. Industrial area management's ability to attract investors through the role of strategic partners; 5. Providing supporting infrastructure and utilities. Location close to basic infrastructure such as ports and airports; 6. Management and Control of Environmental Impacts; 7. Human resource development through vocational schools to increase the capacity and competency of the workforce; 8. Empowerment and harmonization of relations with society.

In his presentation session, the Director of Services and Regional Planning spoke about the Acceleration and Optimization of Development of Special Economic Zones and Industrial Areas in East Kalimantan. The development of National Investment Realization has slowed down due to the pandemic. In East Kalimantan, investment is dominated by PMA. In terms of districts/cities, the largest are Kutim, BPP and Kukar, more than 50% of investment in East Kalimantan is located there. Based on Sector, the primary sector is the highest. The priorities of the Ministry of Investment/BKPM in supporting the Government's targets are: Accelerating investment realization, optimizing OSS integration and resolving investment problems. The support expected from the Regional Government is: Accelerating the Drafting of Regional Regulations and Local Government Regulations on Business Licensing guided by the NSPK on Business Licensing, Accelerating the Drafting of Regional Regulations on Spatial Planning and Providing Regional Incentives.
