
Monday, 11 October 2021



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Kick of Meeting Invitation Dak Physical PUPR 2022

Thursday, October 7, 2021. Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province attended the virtual implementation of Kick Off Meeting activities of PUPR Physical PUPR Year 2022 organized by the Ministry of PUPR.

present as the resource person Mr. Putut Hari Satyaka, Secretary of the Directorate General of Financial Balance, the Ministry of Finance; Mr. Simon Saimima from the Ministry of Home Affairs; Mrs. Alfia Oktivalerina from Bappenas; Mr. Riono Suprapto, Head of Regional Infrastructure Facilitation Center, KemenpuPr.

From a number of presentations delivered by a number of speakers, it can be summarized that the definition of DAK is funds sourced from the state budget allocated to certain regions to help fund special activities and become a government affairs of regional authority and included in national priorities.

related to DAK infrastructure in 2022 is carried out through regular DAK and the assignment consists of irrigation, roads and bridges, drinking water, sanitation, and settlement housing.

Physical DAK proposal is carried out through the Krisna application managed by the Ministry of PPN/Bappenas RI. Some efforts are being made by the central government to accelerate and optimize DAK in 2022.

The full explanation of the speakers can be read on the Bappeda Kaltim Data Center website.