East Kalimantan's proposal of IDR 21 trillion to the 2013 APBN
Jakarta, 17/4/12. East Kalimantan Provincial Government's proposal to the 2013 APBN through the 2012 pre-Musrenbangnas in the context of preparing the RKP in 2013 amounting to Rp. 21.043 Trillion, consisting of proposals from 81 programs and 879 activities to 23 Ministries of the Republic of Indonesia by the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and Regency/City Governments throughout East Kalimantan, which is the result of the post-East Kalimantan Musrenbang on April 9-10 2012 in Samarinda.
This was stated by the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda DR.Ir.H Rusmadi.MS when leading a preparatory meeting for the National Development Planning Conference in the context of Preparing the 2013 Government Work Plan attended by approximately 30 participants people in the Sangata Hotel Bluesky Pandurata meeting room, Jl. Raden Saleh Jakarta.
Proposed programs and activities of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and Regency/City Governments throughout East Kalimantan which are a combination of priority programs from the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and the Regency/City Governments throughout East Kalimantan to twenty-three Indonesian Ministries, including: 1. Ministry of Home Affairs with 4 programs and 14 activities with a proposal of Rp. 1,259,150,000,000,- 2. Ministry of Agriculture has 9 programs and 303 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 391,746,000,000,- 3. Ministry of Industry with 3 programs and 12 activities with proposed funds amounting to Rp. 391,746,000,000,- 4. Ministry of Energy & Human Resources with 5 programs and 30 activities with proposed funds amounting to Rp. 143,521,000,000,- 5. Ministry of Transportation has 3 programs and 53 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 1,872,163,000,000,- 6. Ministry of National Education with 4 programs and 9 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 541,663,000,000,- 7. Ministry of Health with 5 programs and 7 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 643,000,000,000,- 8. Ministry of Manpower & Transmigration with 4 programs and 4 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 55,000,000,000,- 9. Ministry of Social Affairs with 5 programs and 110 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 429,918,000,000,- 10. Ministry of Forestry has 5 programs and 15 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 8,941,742,000,000,- 11. Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries has 8 programs and 37 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 217,245,000,000,- 12. Ministry of Public Works with 5 programs and 182 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 5,920,650,000,000,-13. Ministry of Culture & Tourism has 5 programs and 9 activities with proposed funding of Rp. 6,910,000,000,- 14. Ministry of Environment for 1 program and 1 activity with proposed funds of Rp. 2,000,000,000,- 15. Ministry of Cooperatives & Small & Medium Enterprises with 2 programs and 8 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 10,350,000,000,- 16. Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection with 1 program and 3 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 3,000,000,000,- 17. Ministry of Communication & Information Technology with 2 programs and 3 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 4,500,000,000,- 18. National Archives Agency of the Republic of Indonesia with 1 program and 2 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 400,000,000,- 19. Ministry of Trade has 3 programs and 31 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 38,531,000,000,- 20. Ministry of Public Housing with 1 program and 1 activity with proposed funds of Rp. 25,000,000,000,- 22. National Disaster Management Agency with 2 programs and 36 activities with proposed funds of IDR 104,250,000,000,- 23. National Border Management Agency with 1 program and 1 activity with proposed funds of Rp. 500,000,000,- with a total of 81 programs and 879 activities with proposed funds of Rp. 21,043,710,000,000,-. For more details, see the following table.
Participants who attended followed This meeting consisted of the Secretary, Drs.S. Adiyat; Head of Human Resources Development, Drs. Hariyo Santoso; Head of the Regional Development Assessment and Financing Division, Ir.H. Djoko Susila Handoko; Head of Government and Apparatus Division Ir. Tri Murti Rahayu, M.Si; Head of Regional Development Infrastructure, Ir. Salman.L,MM Head of Program Planning Subdivision, Ir. Surono, M.Si; Head of General Subdivision, Dra.Hj. A. Yone May, M.Si Head of Subdivision of Natural Resources and Environment Ir. Ujang Rachmad, M.Si; Head of Subdivision for Business Development, Tourism and Culture, Saur Parsaroan, S.Pi., MEMD; Head of Regional Development Assessment Subdivision, Yusliando, ST; Head of Regional Development Financing Subdivision, Andi Arifuddin, S.Pi; Head of Regional Development Subdivision, Ir. Pamungkas Waluyo Adi; Head of Regional Infrastructure Subdivision, Ir.Hj. Lisa Hasliana, M.Si; Head of Government Subdivision, Dra. Tri Padianawati; Head of Subdivision of Apparatus, Abdul Sani, SE; Head of Social Welfare Subdivision Charmarijaty, ST; Head of Education, Mental and Spiritual Subdivision, Ir.Hj. Hidayanti Darma; and P.SDM Division staff Said Abu, S.Sos; Suwondo; Sutarni; Sita; Noviady Dwi Noorcahyo, ST; Nany; Economic Sector Marinda Asih Ramadhaniah, S.Si; Government and Apparatus Division staff Ismawardi, SE; Hary Suprijadi, A.Md; H. Andrie Asdi, SH; regional development infrastructure staff, Stella Felicia Sinaga, S.Si; Alfino Rinaldi, ST; Achmad Muzakkir, ST staff for Regional Development Assessment and Financing, Berlin Friniko.S, SE; Sajid Ikhsan Fuad, ST; Endang Rusdianto; Ahmad Riyadi; Secretariat staff, Efran, SE; M. Yazid; Sukandar, S. Sos; Rudi Hertamiaji; Astien; Kartinem; Suly Astuti; Sukardi; Kusrin; Aseri; Syahruni; and Christmas.P.
In general, the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS provided direction to make the proposed Program Planning for the Province of East Kalimantan and Regencies/Cities throughout East Kalimantan effective through the APBN to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia at the 2012 Musrenbangnas in the context of preparing the Government Work Plan (RKP) for 2013.
Before the meeting was officially closed, the Head of the East Kalimantan Bappeda gave directions to the Planning Division to continue work by completing Form 1 and Form 5. The meeting closed at 12.30 WIB, and the event continued at 13.30 led by the Secretary of the East Kalimantan Bappeda, Drs.S. Adiyat until the event ends at 17.00 WIB. (Sukandar, S.Sos/Public Relations of Bappeda Kaltim).