Wednesday, 18 October 2023
Validation of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government's Thematic Bureaucratic Reform Action Plan
Samarinda (18/10/2023), Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province through the Government and Human Development Sector, Mr. Asfiandi became Chair of the Thematic Team for Poverty Alleviation in the Validation Meeting of the Bureaucratic Reform Action Plan (RB ) East Kalimantan Provincial Government Thematic at the Fugo Samarinda Hotel.
Thematic bureaucratic reform is a central government program through the Ministry of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia (PANRB) to improve synergy and work procedures for ASN or employees to make them more efficient and professional.< /p>
There are four focuses in this thematic bureaucratic reform, including the bureaucratic thematic of increasing investment, alleviating poverty, digitalizing government (digitizing stunting) and increasing the use of domestic products.
Meanwhile, this thematic RB Action Plan Validation meeting aims to harmonize action plans between related OPDs and their budget allocations before being input into the National Bureaucratic Reform Portal.
The results of the verification of this thematic RB action plan will then be validated by the inspectorate as the Internal Evaluation Team before receiving approval for the validity of the RB Action Plan by the East Kalimantan Regional Provincial Secretary.
#validate the2023thematickaltimbureaucracyreformactionplan
#kaltim2023provincialsetdaprovorganisation bureau