
Tuesday, 01 December 2020



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Virtual Meeting Panelist Team Meeting for Stunting Reduction Performance Assessment in 2020

Samarinda, 18 September 2020. Head of Agriculture and Fisheries Sub-Sector Ir. Hj. Hidayanti Darma, M.P attended the 2020 Stunting Reduction Performance Assessment Team Meeting held by the East Kalimantan Provincial Health Service via Zoom meeting.

This meeting was also attended online by the DPM-Pemdes, Regional 04 Kalimantan (and Central LGCB ASR Consultant), Economic Sector and SDMP Sector Bappeda Prov. East Kalimantan, East Kalimantan Social Service, East Kalimantan Food, Food Crops & Horticulture Service, East Kalimantan Health Polytechnic, and East Kalimantan PUPR Service.

Accelerating the prevention of Stunting (stunted children) is a national priority which is being implemented by the Government with a target of reducing stunting to 14% by 2024. To achieve this target, the Government develop a National Strategy for preventing stunting reduction as a common reference in implementing the program throughout Indonesia in stages. East Kalimantan's efforts to reduce stunting are reflected in the Regional Action Plan-Food and Nutrition (RAD PG).

Performance Assessment of the Implementation of Integrated Stunting Reduction Interventions is the process of assessing the progress of district/city performance in making efforts to improve the convergence of nutrition interventions (specific and sensitive). This improvement is carried out through the implementation of 8 (eight) convergence/integration actions in planning, budgeting, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of programs/activities. The implementation of this integration action is expected to increase the number of Households in the First 1000 Days of Life (HPK) that can access complete (convergent) nutritional interventions in districts/cities.

The purpose of this assessment is to provide information regarding what aspects of performance are good or still need to be improved in each district/city, comparison of the performance of districts/cities in provincial areas and learning between districts/cities within provincial areas to improve the quality and results of implementing 8 convergence/integration actions.

In this meeting, the performance assessment method was determined, the assessment schedule was determined as well as the strengthening and provision of the panelist team. (Humas BappedaKaltim/Fat)