Interviews with regencies and cities nominees regional development awards in 2021
Samarinda, (26/02/2021). The 2021 Regional Development Award assessment has reached the interview stage with districts and cities who have been named as nominees.
Previously the nominees for the Regency category and City Category were determined at the assessment team meeting last Thursday. The nominees are Kutai Kartanegara Regency, Berau Regency, Balikpapan City and Samarinda City.
Assessment Presentations and interviews which were carried out directly at the Mercure Samarinda Hotel and virtually via zoom meeting were carried out by a team of assessors from East Kalimantan Province who came from Mulawarman University Prof. Dr. Hj. Eny Rochaida, SE., M.Si, Dr.Ir.H.Abdullah Karim, MS and Dr. Suyadi. Meanwhile, the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda was represented by by. Drs. H. Hariyo Santoso (Head of PPM); Saur Parsauran (KHead of Economics & Natural Resources Division), Hj. Charmarijaty (Head of Development Planning and Regional Control), Ibnu Abbas (Plh. Head of Division InfRegional Structure), Berlin Friniko (Head of Planning and Funding Subdivision), H. Andrie Asdi (Head of Public Welfare Subdivision) and Hj. Nani Nuraini (Head of Human Resources Development Subdivision).
The assessment mechanism at this stage is carried out virtually and is divided into two rooms, namely the Regency room and the City room. The activity starts with a 20 minute presentation for each participant and continues with an interview.
This presentation and interview assessment will determine two nominations, namely one City and one Regency which will continue to the next stage of assessment, namely the Regency and City RKPD documents by the central team (Bappenas).
(Public Relations of BappedaKaltim/Fat/editor : Sukandar, S. Sos)