SBY Visit the East Kalimantan Bappeda Exhibition
Jakarta, 4/26/12. President of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr.H. Susilo Bambang Yudoyono or better known as President SBY's name visiting STAN
East Kalimantan Bappeda Exhibition on 26/4/12. While the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of Bappenas Prof.Dr. Armida Salsiah Alisjahbana, SE., MA visited the East Kalimantan Province Bappeda exhibition booth after the opening of the Musrenbangnas, 25/4/12. The exhibition was attended by all provincial Bappeda throughout Indonesia and the private sector in order to take part in the Musrenbangnas exhibition held by the Ministry of Bappenas in the context of the 2013 Government Work Plan (RKP) with the theme "2013 National Development: Strengthening the Potential of the Domestic Economy for Improvement and Expansion of People's Welfare ".
Minister of Bappenas asked various development programs in East Kalimantan exhibited by Bappeda of East Kalimantan Province displaying posters/rolling banners/leaflets containing:
1. MP3EI (Master Plan for the Acceleration of Indonesian Economic Development) contains infrastructure activities in supporting the Kariangau Industry Area, infrastructure activities in supporting Samarinda Industry and Services, Infrastructure activities in supporting the Maloy Industry Area, Rice Development 200.00 Ha, Border Road Development, MP3I Project which has been ground breaking, the MP3EI project that will be groun breaking
2. Industrial Estate and International Port of Maloy, Sangatta, East Kutai: contains information on the development framework of industrial estates and transportation systems, area masterplan, plans to allocate raw materials for industrial activities, accessibility towards the Maloy International Port Industrial Estate, Sangatta, East Kutai. 3. Food Estate
contains the advantages of the Delta Kayan Food Estates, the Integrated Agriculture Area Land Condition
4. Samarinda Toll Road - Balikpapan
contains toll road construction, progress, obstacles
5. Railroad
Development of Rack Rack /RMII United Arab Emirates Cooperation, Cooperation with JSC Russian Railway 6. Long Ampung Airport, Long Bawan, Datah Dawai (border)
contains the construction of the airport, target progress
Contains a terminal development plan, extension of the runway, progress 8. Kariangau container contains development, progress
9. Development priorities and policy direction in an effort to realize East Kalimantan Rise 2013 contains three regional development agendas, RKPD themes, East Kalimantan Development Priority 2013 10. Time line of the History of the East Kalimantan Development
Contains History GRDP, Per capita income, economic growth in agricultural economy, mining, processing industry, population, population growth, import exports in 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000, 2010, 2010 11. East Kalimantan's economy
contains the development of East Kalimantan GRDP in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
12. East Kalimantan Import Export
Contains the development of East Kalimantan's import exports in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
13. East Kalimantan Manpower
contains the development of East Kalimantan employment in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
14. The development of the East Kalimantan APBD and APBN
contains the development of the East Kalimantan APBD and APBN in 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011
15. Poverty and HDI of East Kalimantan
contains the development of poverty and HDI of East Kalimantan in 2008, 2009, 2010
the priority of the question of the Minister of Bappenas is the development programs that are national scale such as the Samarinda Balikpapan Toll Road, Karingau and Kipi Malaoy containe clear by the Head of Statistics and Development Control Division, Drs.H. Taufik Hemawan.
President of the Republic of Indonesia, Dr.H. Bambang Susilo Yudoyono or better known as SBY also stopped by the East Kalimantan Bappeda booth on April 26, 2012, although only for a moment, was also visited by the Governor of East Kalimantan, Dr.Awang Faroek Ishak along with several regional heads/regents/mayors in East Kalimantan to visit the Bappeda exhibition booth East Kalimantan to see various programs and activities from the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan, especially priority programs on a national scale.
The Government of the Republic of Indonesia set the theme of national development in 2013 is "Strengthening the Domestic Economy Potential for Improvement and Expansion of People's Welfare". The four main elements in the theme are: (1) competitiveness, (2) economic endurance, (3) improvement and expansion of people's welfare and (4) social and political stability. Of the four main elements mentioned above are expected to be able to work together with regional potential.
while for increasing competitiveness is a government performance that focuses on increasing the investment and business climate, accelerating the provision of infrastructure or construction of inter-regional connecting paths that have been a problem of distribution, increasing industrial development In various economic corridors, and job creation, especially for young workers who have competencies that are in accordance with regional needs.
Economic endurance includes food security issues, namely planning to achieve rice surplus with a target of 10 million tons in 2014 and an increase in electrification ratios and energy conversion.
while for the improvement and expansion of the welfare of the people originated in two main axes, namely: Increasing the development of human resources so as to produce quality performance and improve the quality of human resources, and accelerate poverty reduction that is summarized in Synergy of cluster one to four.
Strengthening social and political stability, including the preparation of the 2014 General Election (Election), the improvement of bureaucratic performance and eradicating corruption, as well as the acceleration of the minimum development of Essential Force (MEF). National priorities and strategic issues in 2013 include 11 priorities, namely:
(1) Bureaucratic Reform and Governance;
(2) education;
(3) Health; (4) poverty reduction; (5) food security; (6) infrastructure; (7) investment climate and business climate;
(8) energy; (9) environment and disaster management;
(10) Disadvantaged, Leading, Outermost, and Post-Conflict Areas; (11) culture, creativity and technological innovation.
Besides the 11 priorities, there are three other priorities, namely:
(12) Politics, Law and Security;
(13) Economic Affairs;
(14) in the field of people's welfare.
The preparation of the 2013 RKP will be presented by the integration of the Government's Masterplan Government Program for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Economic Development (MP3EI) with the Master Plan for the Acceleration and Expansion of Indonesian Poverty Reduction (MP3KI). (Public Relations Bappeda Kaltim/Sukandar, S. Sos).