Increase the Absorption of the 2012 East Kalimantan APBD
Samarinda, 20/6/12. Increase the absorption of the East Kalimantan Budget in 2012 to reduce the revenue from the East Kalimantan APBD which is still relatively high.
This was expressed by the Regional Secretary of East Kalimantan Province, DR. Kusuma Bangsa No. 2 Samarinda, guided by the Head of BAPPEDA East Kalimantan, DR.Ir.H. Rusmadi.MS.
The enthusiasm of the participants was very high with the number of participants estimated at more than three hundred people coming from all SKPDs within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government as well as all UPTD Dispenda, Transportation Services and Public Works Services in all Regencies/Cities throughout East Kalimantan.
In his speech/presentation, the East Kalimantan Regional Secretary stated that on behalf of the Provincial Government of East Kalimantan, he would like to welcome and express his thanks for the arrival of the APBA Activity Control Acceleration Team (P2K) – Aceh Province, chaired by the Governor's Expert Staff for Control and Foreign Relations, Mr. Dr. Taqwalah, M. Kes.
1. The East Kalimantan Provincial Government really hopes for assistance from the APBA - Aceh P2K Team to be able to share experiences related to budget absorption, where it is known that the Aceh Provincial Government has carried out this for three years through the supervision of the Aceh P2K - APBA Team, which initially in 2009 saw a physical realization of 85 % and finance 64% but with the hard work of the P2K Team, the achievement of Budget absorption in 2011 reached 99% for physical realization and 94% for financial realization.
2. For this reason, we are gathered here as a follow-up to the socialization of the application of the Aceh P2K Format at the Regional Development Coordination Meeting held in Tarakan City, so that how can all of us SKPD understand and implement these formats to reduce the SILPA figures which are still relatively high up to now .
3. On May 8 to 10, the Provincial Government sent a team to study the implementation of the Aceh P2K format consisting of: Bappeda Provincial. East Kalimantan, Regional Development Bureau and Provincial Secretariat Finance Bureau. East Kalimantan, Transportation Department, Public Works Department, Health Service and Provincial Education Department. East Kalimantan. Where the implementation of this meeting is a consolidation step, in accordance with the direction of the Central BUDGET ABSORPTION EVALUATION & SUPERVISION (TEP) TEAM under the coordination of UKP4 to carry out format learning that has been prepared by the P2K - APBA Team of the Aceh Provincial Government
4. The implementation of the Aceh P2K format is an effort by the Provincial Government to accelerate budget absorption in East Kalimantan Province and submit reports on budget absorption for East Kalimantan Province for 2012 on a quarterly basis to the President through the Budget Absorption Evaluation and Monitoring Team (TEP) of the Presidential Work Unit for Supervision. Development Control (UKP4).
5. On May 29 2012, the East Kalimantan Provincial Government submitted the first quarter report on budget absorption for 2012 by filling in the format submitted by the Budget Absorption Evaluation and Monitoring Team (TEP), based on the evaluation results from the Budget Absorption Evaluation and Monitoring Team (TEP) improvements were still needed in filling in the format.
At the end of his speech the Secretary stated and asked all Heads of SKPD to seriously study and immediately need to implement filling in the format for accelerating budget absorption by all SKPD within the East Kalimantan Provincial Government, then asked the East Kalimantan Budget Absorption and Monitoring Evaluation Team (TEPPA) which consisting of elements from Bappeda, Itwil, Bangda Bureau and Finance to immediately accelerate it. (Public Relations of the East Kalimantan Bappeda/Sukandar, S.Sos).